Sunshine blinds you if you stare, but now I see crystal clear. So here I am. You can take or leave me, but I won't ever be anywhere but here.
Thursday, 30-May-13 02:55:40 UTC from web-
@humanbean zecora?
Thursday, 30-May-13 02:56:14 UTC from web-
@flutterguyemokid Not quite. How did you link Zecora with that?
Thursday, 30-May-13 02:57:45 UTC from web-
@humanbean Just because she always rhymes :P
Thursday, 30-May-13 02:58:11 UTC from web-
@flutterguyemokid Ah, I see. Nice inference ^^
Thursday, 30-May-13 03:00:00 UTC from web
@humanbean Bring me back to life, I just can't stand leaving you alone tonight. It's too late to go, it's taken me forever just to try, you know (Yeah, I don't know if that's right. Deal with it.)
Thursday, 30-May-13 02:59:56 UTC from web-
@clarity <3 (Just missed a word. I shall deal.)
Thursday, 30-May-13 03:02:53 UTC from web-
@humanbean Which word? :c
Thursday, 30-May-13 03:07:31 UTC from web-
@clarity Already taken me forever just to try, you know.
Thursday, 30-May-13 03:08:23 UTC from web-
@humanbean Ah. I'll remember for next time, dear.
Thursday, 30-May-13 03:09:40 UTC from web-
@clarity Okay, darling.
Thursday, 30-May-13 03:10:56 UTC from web-
@humanbean are we married now?
Thursday, 30-May-13 03:21:21 UTC from web-
@clarity I don't think we undertook the legal procedures. Oh well.
Thursday, 30-May-13 03:24:46 UTC from web