

  1. well, i think i've found the root of someof my social problems

    Thursday, 30-May-13 05:27:37 UTC from web
    1. @mushi That's me in the nutshell and that's why I learned love related lessons the hard way. :C

      Thursday, 30-May-13 05:31:51 UTC from web
      1. @beatstrings yeah, parents used to give scold me in front of everyone when they found me playing with then andit was "late" never allowed me to go anywhere with them and stuff. and now they are "hurr, you have to marry already so you can leave our house and we can move"

        Thursday, 30-May-13 05:34:18 UTC from web
        1. @mushi *sigh* Parents, not all their choices are good for you. But hey, love is loudest when it comes to family, right? I sure hope it is.

          Thursday, 30-May-13 05:36:36 UTC from web
          1. @beatstrings yeah, bad thing now i'm scared of interacting to people and the closest they will ever get to having grandchild are the caterpillars i raise

            Thursday, 30-May-13 05:38:05 UTC from web
            1. @mushi Oh, well I think otherwise! You'll find your better half, and I hope your parents will be happy with it. :)

              Thursday, 30-May-13 05:39:56 UTC from web
              1. @beatstrings i dont think i will find, because i'm not even looking for it

                Thursday, 30-May-13 05:40:21 UTC from web
                1. @mushi I met some potential partners without even trying, and as a kid compared to you, I think positively you'll find her.

                  Thursday, 30-May-13 05:41:31 UTC from web
                  1. @beatstrings also that doodle of RD is on it as well.

                    Thursday, 30-May-13 05:43:39 UTC from web
                    1. @noirbatch Yup, seen it, it's great actually, but like I said, subtlety is a good technique on improvement. You have my approval. :)

                      Thursday, 30-May-13 05:44:40 UTC from web
                      1. @beatstrings Spasibo tovarishch

                        Thursday, 30-May-13 05:46:28 UTC from web
                  2. @beatstrings that is alittle more complicate, some weeks ago i started getting some random anonymous messagens from somegirls of the collee, my first reaction was panic, i only wanted to run away and never open the facebook again. you dont come here so much so you dont know how i am about this, but you could ask nerthos or bowandlyre about that

                    Thursday, 30-May-13 05:44:32 UTC from web
                    1. @mushi Aye, I get it. But like I said, you'll find her, but I swear don't take the ones who just messages you anonymously, you know one when you see one. And that, I wish you the best of luck with. :)

                      Thursday, 30-May-13 05:47:42 UTC from web
                      1. @beatstrings i'm not even thinking of taking these girl, the only thing they did was make me afraid of going to the crowded places of the college. But seriously, that is something that is completelly out of my interest range now

                        Thursday, 30-May-13 05:48:49 UTC from web
                        1. @mushi That's a good sign you prefer success over some minor love problem, but I'm not taking back what I said, you'll find her in time. Plus for the hell of it, you're kind of a nice guy, anyways. Time will tell when success hits, relationship is better to take on the last part of the list. :3

                          Thursday, 30-May-13 05:51:00 UTC from web