

  1. !bronylon Hello my name is Chrissy, I'd be interested in joining your next meet up, so please give me any details. I am not sure how this works but you can email me at Lessthan3chrissy(at)gmail(dot)com

    Saturday, 08-Jun-13 02:38:44 UTC from web
    1. @sugarcubecorner !bronylon There's really nothing too complex about it here. Until we get a functioning facebook page up and running, we really just commune on this "dash board" here, and give casual updates to any planned meetups. As you can read below, we're looking at a waterpark meetup sometime in the summer. If you feel like showing up, and the scheduling isn't conflicting, you're welcome to join us.

      Saturday, 08-Jun-13 06:33:24 UTC from web