

  1. !calgarybronies really i dont know when you guys would like me to be there really. but i can be there at 10 if you really want me to be. i just said 5 sense it seemed like a good idea. also MORE INFO the room is in the the northwest corner ( if north is the main entrance) on the top floor where all the gamer tables are at. big brown door and the bathroom is there also.

    Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 20:56:44 UTC from web
    1. @darcyblue !calgarybronies Well we can try 5pm out for this first run, and if people have problems with it due to late night plans, etc. we can always move it up to 3pm or something like that. It might take a meet or two to get things running smoothly and guage what is best =)

      Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 22:48:47 UTC from web