

  1. I turned both of my friends into bronies.

    Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:47:07 UTC from web
    1. @pr1nc355luna yay!

      Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:47:18 UTC from web
      1. @mushi @pr1nc355luna my friend turned me into one. I thought I was just going to riff on the show ended up loving it.

        Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:48:17 UTC from web
        1. @ninnelives my little sister transformed me... She was three and I was forced to watch it with her but ended up loving it

          Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:49:33 UTC from web
          1. @sunwing i swear almost every fan is given born like that kicking and screaming before they fall in love with the show.

            Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:50:57 UTC from web
            1. @ninnelives lol I just kinda gave in after the first few minutes of arguing

              Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:51:35 UTC from web
              1. @sunwing same here

                Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:52:36 UTC from web
        2. @ninnelives i dont make people check what i like, i found the brony firend i have when he was wearing a pinkie pie shirt under the lab coat

          Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:50:00 UTC from web
          1. @mushi I had a friend in TAFE for like... one day, his avatar on G+ was that rock Fluttershy one, but then he never came back :(

            Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:51:33 UTC from web
            1. @coffeecream hey, you're back!

              Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:52:24 UTC from web
              1. @mushi Yeah hi

                Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:10:40 UTC from web
                1. @coffeecream been doing anything?

                  Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:11:33 UTC from web
                  1. @mushi mainly studying and playing with my server, apart from that just being sick :(

                    Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:15:17 UTC from web
                    1. @coffeecream sick? from what?

                      Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:15:42 UTC from web
                      1. @mushi cold/flu i guess :(

                        Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:19:09 UTC from web
                        1. @coffeecream if you dont have fever, it is cold

                          Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:20:05 UTC from web
                          1. @mushi right, so cold then... either way it is annoying

                            Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:28:16 UTC from web
                            1. @coffeecream well, at least it is only a cold~

                              Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:29:00 UTC from web
                              1. @mushi true :)

                                Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:40:45 UTC from web
          2. @mushi kay

            Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:51:45 UTC from web
        3. @ninnelives My third friend and my little sister helped me. My friend recommended it, and my sister loved the show so we were forced to watch it.

          Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:50:33 UTC from web
    2. @pr1nc355luna *both of my Best friends

      Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:47:49 UTC from web