

  1. so if you guy could have or do have a cutie marks what would they be, mine would be a set of dice that would add up to nine.

    Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:53:37 UTC from web
    1. @ninnelives mine would most likely be poker chips or a deck of cards

      Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:55:19 UTC from web
      1. @sunwing why not both lol same theme right?

        Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:55:58 UTC from web
        1. @ninnelives yea your right

          Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:56:18 UTC from web
          1. @sunwing it will be brilliant what cards will be shown ?

            Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:57:09 UTC from web
            1. @ninnelives queen of clubs king of spades and an ace of hearts

              Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:57:39 UTC from web
              1. @sunwing sweetness

                Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:59:02 UTC from web
    2. @ninnelives

      Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:55:54 UTC from web
      1. @mushi Is your OC' s cutie mark a constellation?

        Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:58:16 UTC from web
        1. @pokestrike it is a thing i made up, a molecular cockroach

          Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:58:37 UTC from web
          1. @mushi Oh, mines just a pokeball

            Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:59:45 UTC from web
            1. @pokestrike who is in that poke ball?

              Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:01:47 UTC from web
              1. @ninnelives Nothing, my OC is a ninja, he uses a forbidden jutsu to summon things from other dimensions, pokemon being his favorite

                Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:03:57 UTC from web
            2. @pokestrike that is a good one too

              Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:02:21 UTC from web
        2. @pokestrike Molecule.

          Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 00:58:38 UTC from web