

  1. Over 400 Pokemon... That moment where you realize you may not catch em all

    Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:08:52 UTC from web
    1. @sunwing Action Replay

      Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:09:35 UTC from web
      1. @pokestrike without an action replay :P

        Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:09:59 UTC from web
      2. @pokestrike Yay for action replay. I was using it earlier. I found the Glitch pokemon earlier and ima show a screenshot in a momento.

        Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:10:14 UTC from web
    2. @sunwing There are about 649~

      Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:09:39 UTC from web
    3. @sunwing over 600, soo it will be almost 800

      Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:10:07 UTC from web
      1. @mushi @ still you can't really catch em all without a game boy version

        Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:11:22 UTC from web
        1. @sunwing you can get legendariesin events, the rest you need to get the hard way

          Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:13:07 UTC from web
          1. @mushi yea but I think it's fun to go back to the old red and blue versions

            Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:13:59 UTC from web
            1. @sunwing i dont have then, so i cant do this

              Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:14:17 UTC from web
              1. @mushi :/

                Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:15:02 UTC from web