

  1. So, given that the Republicans have admitted they are willing to tank the economy and destroy the company just to get rid of Obama, and they are going against the Patriot Act AND the US Constitution, does that not make the elected GOP guilty of treason, and thus they should be arrested and, if convicted, put to death per the law of the land they swore an oath to follow?

    Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 14:57:49 UTC from web
    1. @roygbiv I like how Tom Clancy did it on one of his books better, he just has a crazy japanese guy crash an empty 747 into the capitol building.

      Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:01:49 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @colfax I think the being arrested as traitors would work better. Right now the president & the GOP are in a game of chicken. Sadly, the GOP car doesn't seem to have a driver.

        Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:07:23 UTC from web
        1. @roygbiv don't know what you are talking about exactly, but I agree. Democracy sucks, I think communism sounds like a perfect world. It works like open source, and open source is amazing.

          Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:10:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @shoutingryan Oh yeah, because it worked out so well the first time...

            Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:12:26 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @colfax they did it wrong. Russia never got rid of their leader like they were supposed to.

              Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:13:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          2. @shoutingryan there is always a political pattern of types of government. All communist dictatorships are the result of a previous democracy or republic gone bad. Eventually it gets so corrupted that the people will give up theier freedoms just to have the whole mess be cleaned up.

            Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:13:55 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          3. @shoutingryan Problem, communism is only good on paper. Humans don't factor into the communistic perfect world. With humans factored in we have to assume certain variables for human greed, lust of power and the imperfection of humans causing the system to topple upon itself and cause chaos and hyper inflation. Democracy itself isn't great to begin with, every democracy that has spawned has eventually lead to a dictatorship. The only feasible system of government that will sustain is a Republic in a world with imperfection because it has so many checks and balances for itself.

            Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:14:00 UTC from web
            1. @kingpopadopalus ayep. I favour a socialist system similar to the scandinavian countries. They have the least corruption and most solid economies of anyplace in the world. But too many americans are against it because they think the word "socialist" equals evil, lol. The ignorance in this country is assounding.

              Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:15:49 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @elind85 Well you have to also see that some people work really hard for what they earn, Others just skate by on welfare. This is honestly the one problem I have with socialism and communism, People will do the minimal amount of work to get their next pay check. The man who gives 100 and 10 % is the man who feels cheated by the system of communism and socialism.

                Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:18:47 UTC from web
                1. @kingpopadopalus the welfair excuse is popular among americans. But in reality the socialist countries have much lower inemployement than the USA. They may provide services to those who need it but a larger share of the people are working.

                  Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:20:54 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  1. @elind85 welfare was an example, not so much a cause. I meant for you to focus on the minimal effort for their paycheck. Ever hear the story about the couple shopping for a clock in communist Russia?

                    Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:24:50 UTC from web
                    1. @kingpopadopalus Mt Little Pony: Poltics are magic

                      Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:26:24 UTC from web
                      1. @madflavors derp Politics

                        Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:26:37 UTC from web
                      2. @madflavors you mean politics are dark magic

                        Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:27:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        1. @shoutingryan indeed

                          Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:27:45 UTC from web
                    2. @kingpopadopalus yes, but iam not talking about comunist russia, i am talking about socialist countries like sweden and denmark. That's the problem, people hear "socialism" and all their brains can think about is comunist russia. They are ignorant to the fact that some socialist countries work and are more economically stable than any democracy

                      Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:27:00 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      1. @elind85 I will say socialist next time i compare to open source.

                        Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:28:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        1. @shoutingryan socialist is where everything is for the purpose of benefiting the public. Where revenues are recycled into public funding instead of pofiting individuals.

                          Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:31:07 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                          1. @elind85 Yes, as represented by the unfinished windmill in Animal Farm.

                            Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:34:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          2. @elind85 Question, would the person who owns the company that would recieve profits not be the public?

                            Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:36:32 UTC from web
                            1. @kingpopadopalus the company would pay very high taxes so that much of the profits would go back into the public revenue. But more commonly their commercial entities are more like NPO's where revenue is recycled back into the public. Like the swedish DNS corp which is a public benefit corp where all revenues are used to fund technological develop and costs of infrastructure.

                              Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:40:53 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                              1. @elind85 That does sound more favorable but then you have to get the companies to agree and that may be where the problem comes in with America. Getting people to see logic and reason over emotion.

                                Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:45:42 UTC from web
                      2. @elind85 mhm...I now one guy on MSN who called my a communist cause I had good things to say about public healthcare like the reason being that had it not been for the NHS I'd have died 12 years ago froma rare genetic disorder

                        Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:34:22 UTC from web
                        1. @captlynch republicans love to call things they don't communist in an effort to negate public support.

                          Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:35:47 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                          1. @elind85 Democrats like to call things that don't agree with them hatemongers and thusly making democrats themselves hate mongers.

                            Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:37:25 UTC from web
                            1. @kingpopadopalus What's a hate monger? I never called anyone that.

                              Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:39:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              1. @shoutingryan A person who kindles hatred, enmity or prejudice in others.

                                Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:41:57 UTC from web
                                1. @kingpopadopalus meh.. I don't think they kindle hatred, i just think they're morons.

                                  Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:42:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  1. @shoutingryan See people like to throw around the term hat monger cause it honestly does have strong negative connotations.

                                    Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:44:52 UTC from web
                                    1. @kingpopadopalus Well since I only think they're stupid, i call them stupid. Monger sounds like greifer.

                                      Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:46:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                      1. @shoutingryan it basically is, its a strong word that should rather be used for people like the reverend that obama used to go to. (can't remember his name, BAH!)

                                        Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:47:47 UTC from web
                          2. @elind85 mhm...if he;s after jerks, maybe he should look at the senator supporting PROTECT-IP who said that the chinese model of internet was a GOOD idea

                            Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:37:28 UTC from web
                      3. @elind85 I know we're not talking communist russia, I realize there is a difference. Common ownership does sound more desireable.

                        Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:35:03 UTC from web
                2. @kingpopadopalus @elind85 What the congress needs to do is 'lurk more' so they can see the ways that the Internet works so much better than real life. They're afraid of change, even if it's a huge step forward in solving the country's problems.

                  Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:21:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            2. @kingpopadopalus @elind85 Someday it will be able to work smoothly. If you look at open source, it's already working. As technology advances, it will become a reliable option.

              Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:17:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @shoutingryan Again the problem is not the ideals but rather the People inside the system. eventually it will become corrupt and fall.

                Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:19:58 UTC from web
          4. @shoutingryan On paper, Communism is a great ideal. ON PAPER. In reality, communism never works & ends up becoming socialism.

            Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:19:31 UTC from web
        2. @roygbiv Nope, just a bungee cord on the wheel and a brick on the gas.

          Wednesday, 27-Jul-11 15:11:35 UTC from StatusNet Desktop