

  1. Senior prom was amazing. Afterprom was freakin magical

    Thursday, 20-Jun-13 06:51:48 UTC from web
    1. @wafers looks like someone was busy making memories and experiencing life.

      Thursday, 20-Jun-13 06:52:37 UTC from web
      1. @madflavors Oh it was fantastic. Especially afterprom

        Thursday, 20-Jun-13 06:54:35 UTC from web
        1. @wafers was there sufficient protection at said after-party?

          Thursday, 20-Jun-13 06:56:40 UTC from web
          1. @madflavors @maui Nah we weren't naughty but all of teh making out. All of it man.

            Thursday, 20-Jun-13 06:57:56 UTC from web
            1. @wafers Good man. No risks.

              Thursday, 20-Jun-13 06:58:30 UTC from web
              1. @maui I don't want to mess around with that stuff

                Thursday, 20-Jun-13 07:00:45 UTC from web
                1. @wafers Neither did I, or Do I, It wasn't to long ago.

                  Thursday, 20-Jun-13 07:01:49 UTC from web
                  1. @maui But yeah prom was really sweet. Worr cyan like a boss

                    Thursday, 20-Jun-13 07:04:52 UTC from web
                    1. @wafers Dude, you a stud muffin. Cyans like the best color.

                      Thursday, 20-Jun-13 07:06:04 UTC from web
                      1. @maui my bowtie was freaking sexy

                        Thursday, 20-Jun-13 07:07:29 UTC from web
                        1. @wafers I wore a tie with bunnies on it.

                          Thursday, 20-Jun-13 07:09:34 UTC from web
                  2. @maui wore*

                    Thursday, 20-Jun-13 07:05:02 UTC from web
            2. @wafers a shame, but hey congratulations still. Happy memories

              Thursday, 20-Jun-13 06:58:44 UTC from web
              1. @madflavors I'm glad it went the way it did. I Dun wants the sex and it was enjoyable enough.

                Thursday, 20-Jun-13 07:00:17 UTC from web
    2. @wafers I went to prom with my lady and went home with my friends. Girlfriend < Ruby.

      Thursday, 20-Jun-13 06:54:12 UTC from web
      1. @maui My lady came back to my house and it was pretty sweet :3

        Thursday, 20-Jun-13 06:55:22 UTC from web
        1. @wafers Lucky lucky ;P

          Thursday, 20-Jun-13 06:56:22 UTC from web