

  1. This right beautiful! :D I want it so bad!!

    Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 19:49:00 UTC from web
    1. @kittlefang As Rarity would say, and I quote: "IT'S MINE!!!"

      Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 19:50:43 UTC from web
      1. @firewing heck yeah she would!! then she's buck you out of the way, snatch it, and run!!!

        Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 19:51:29 UTC from web
        1. @kittlefang Pretty much. ^_^ And I know my persona would indeed do the same. As long as it were sold in direct sunlight of course.

          Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 19:52:36 UTC from web
      2. @firewing you know like any normal pony would XD

        Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 19:51:48 UTC from web
        1. @kittlefang I dunno, playing a game of themselves would be creepy. Imagine playing human monopoly

          Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 19:53:13 UTC from web
          1. @will1982 Equestria Girls Monopoly?!!! o.o

            Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 19:53:35 UTC from web
            1. @kittlefang Please, no.

              Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 19:53:48 UTC from web
              1. @vcgriffin oh oh wait what if instead the pawns you play with were their pets?! LIke Tank and Opal?!

                Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 19:54:40 UTC from web
    2. @pegasusjones I know right!!!! I wanna play it now!!! XD

      Wednesday, 26-Jun-13 19:51:05 UTC from web