

  1. @stumperman07 i don't know ME LIKE TANGY BBQ CHIPS

    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:02:49 UTC from web
    1. @fluttershy321 Ok, me like !hugs

      Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:03:10 UTC from web
      1. @stumperman07 me TO !hugs !hugs

        Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:04:17 UTC from web
        1. @fluttershy321 You do? !hugs

          Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:04:31 UTC from web
          1. @stumperman07 YES! !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs

            Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:06:25 UTC from web
            1. @fluttershy321 I love !hugs more then you.

              Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:06:54 UTC from web
              1. @stumperman07 !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs

                Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:09:29 UTC from web
                1. @fluttershy321 Ugggh !huggles !hughug !hugs !hugs infinity

                  Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:09:55 UTC from web
                  1. @stumperman07 LIAR!! !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs!hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs!hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs!hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs!hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs!hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs!hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs!hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs!hugs !hugs !hugs !hugs

                    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:14:19 UTC from web
                    1. @fluttershy321 *no response*

                      Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:15:41 UTC from web
                      1. @stumperman07 muhahahahahahaha MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

                        Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:16:36 UTC from web
                        1. @fluttershy321 !hug tackles

                          Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:16:50 UTC from web
                          1. @stumperman07 EEP!!

                            Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:20:03 UTC from web
                            1. @fluttershy321 what didn't see that coming?

                              Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:20:46 UTC from web
                              1. @stumperman07 I LIKE PIE

                                Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:22:21 UTC from web
                                1. @fluttershy321 I like muffins

                                  Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:22:32 UTC from web
                                  1. @stumperman07 MUFFIN PIE!!

                                    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:24:02 UTC from web
                                    1. @fluttershy321 Muffin cupcake pie?

                                      Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:24:47 UTC from web
                                      1. @stumperman07 MUFFIN CUPCAKE PIE MAN YOU CAN HUG

                                        Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:25:58 UTC from web
                                        1. @fluttershy321 I am that Muffin Cupcake Pie man

                                          Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:27:04 UTC from web
                                          1. @stumperman07 *bites you* mmm nummy

                                            Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:28:13 UTC from web
                                            1. @fluttershy321 Why'd you bite me?

                                              Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:28:33 UTC from web
                                              1. @stumperman07 you taste good *bites again*

                                                Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:29:02 UTC from web
                                                1. @fluttershy321 How dare you eat me

                                                  Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:30:56 UTC from web
                                                  1. @stumperman07 *eats ear* YOU TASTE LIKE PASTRIES*

                                                    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:31:45 UTC from web
                                                    1. @fluttershy321 Ok whatever.

                                                      Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:32:40 UTC from web
                                                      1. @stumperman07 *eats your butt* mm chocolate

                                                        Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:36:20 UTC from web
                                                        1. @fluttershy321 You can stop eating me now.

                                                          Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:36:44 UTC from web
                                                          1. @stumperman07 y?

                                                            Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:40:13 UTC from web
                                                            1. @fluttershy321 Because, I'm so awesome and you know it.

                                                              Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:41:04 UTC from web
                                                              1. @stumperman07 *eats your ego*

                                                                Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:42:04 UTC from web
                                                                1. @fluttershy321 Still awesome.

                                                                  Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:42:15 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @stumperman07 *eats your brain* mmm im a zombie

                                                                    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:45:25 UTC from web
                                                                    1. @fluttershy321 *plant plants to kill you*

                                                                      Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:45:48 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @stumperman07 AHHH wait witch one

                                                                        Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:49:41 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @fluttershy321 A full wall of big walnuts, a full wall of gatling peas, a full 2 walls of double headed sun flowers, a full wall of ice peas, full wall of watermelons, both normal and ice, and pumpkins on every single plant.

                                                                          Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:51:32 UTC from web
                                                                          1. @stumperman07 ur plants r pathetic i have three peaters and cob cannons

                                                                            Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:53:21 UTC from web
                                                                            1. @fluttershy321 oh well I got me golden sunflower trophy.

                                                                              Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:53:53 UTC from web
                                                                              1. @stumperman07 wat a bout the rare platinum

                                                                                Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:54:48 UTC from web
                                                                                1. @fluttershy321 On my PS3.

                                                                                  Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:57:57 UTC from web
                                                                                  1. @stumperman07 me on ds

                                                                                    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:59:01 UTC from web
                                                                    2. @fluttershy321 *shoots in head* ZOOOOOOMMMMMBEEEEEEEEEEEEE

                                                                      Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:45:57 UTC from web
                                                                      1. @madflavors *explodes* im a boomer

                                                                        Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:49:02 UTC from web
                                                                        1. @fluttershy321 well damn.........shoulda thought this through a bit better

                                                                          Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:49:42 UTC from web
                                                                          1. @madflavors ima be a hunter in 5 seconds

                                                                            Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:50:10 UTC from web
                                                                            1. @fluttershy321 its cool im playing with the AI they'll help me..........

                                                                              Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:52:47 UTC from web
                                                                              1. @madflavors IMA TANK TANK SMASH

                                                                                Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:56:21 UTC from web
                                                                                1. @fluttershy321 eeep

                                                                                  Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:56:50 UTC from web
                                                                                  1. @madflavors *picks up chunk of cement*

                                                                                    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:58:09 UTC from web
                                                                                    1. @fluttershy321 *wets pants*

                                                                                      Sunday, 31-Jul-11 05:01:37 UTC from web
                                                                                      1. @madflavors *throws chunk at ur face*

                                                                                        Sunday, 31-Jul-11 05:07:30 UTC from web
                                                                                        1. @fluttershy321 *falls on ground* need some help here........

                                                                                          Sunday, 31-Jul-11 05:09:28 UTC from web
                                                                                          1. @madflavors *comes over and starts to pummel u*

                                                                                            Sunday, 31-Jul-11 05:12:25 UTC from web
                                                                                            1. @fluttershy321 *dies* go on without me team (rest of the AI derp around and die in 10 inches of the same time)

                                                                                              Sunday, 31-Jul-11 05:14:38 UTC from web
                                                                        2. @fluttershy321 your a boomer so that means you are fat

                                                                          Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:52:24 UTC from web
                                                                2. @fluttershy321 i dare you to eat mine.......its so massive i require a private forklift to carry it around

                                                                  Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:42:56 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @madflavors Yes lure fluttershy to eat yours and not eat me.

                                                                    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:43:42 UTC from web
                                                                  2. @madflavors ok *starts eating*

                                                                    Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:44:00 UTC from web
    2. @zachariastargazer *throws muffin in river* I know a science muffin when I see it

      Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:23:42 UTC from web
    3. @zachariastargazer Who captlynch?

      Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:25:02 UTC from web
    4. @zachariastargazer I thought captlynch was

      Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:25:30 UTC from web
    5. @zachariastargazer I really think so

      Sunday, 31-Jul-11 04:26:49 UTC from web