

  1. @leonkfox I agree with everything you just said.

    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 09:46:55 UTC from TTYtter
    1. @ceruleanspark It's not a popular opinion, so it's nice to know somepony else shares it. I don't hate women, in fact I do consider them equal to women, which is exactly why it irritates me so much, women should not be given special treatment just because of things that happened in the past. The same goes for ethinic minorities that can be racist to a white man, but he gets in trouble if he does the same. Either everyone can be racist to everybody or nobody can be racist to anybody x.x God I sound like a total right winger round about now.

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 09:50:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @leonkfox I don't think it's necessarily a right or left-wing view. It's just a logical one. Affirmative action does more to set back the various causes of equality than more people are willing to admit. Also: As someone who pays money to get punched by both women and men, I can safely say that they're about equal in that stake.

        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 10:00:08 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark Well I've been accused of being a right winger for expressing those opinions before, even though I hate most popular right wing ideals, so I felt like I was being judged just a little bit, and I have yet to be given a good rebuttal to those arguments. If equality is so important to these people then why do they want special treatment? The same even goes for some LGBT people, and this is coming from a bisexual.

          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 10:02:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @leonkfox They're only calling you right-wing because they consider it a slur and they want to shut you down rather than try to fend for themselves in an argument with you. It's like calling someone a communist back in the cold war.

            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 10:05:44 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @ceruleanspark Makes perfect sense. Still, do hate being judged like that, for the most part I hate conservatives/right wingers because they base all of their morals on out dated traditions rather than considering the here and now, and I hate being grouped into that.

              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 10:58:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      2. @leonkfox I'm a woman and I completely agree with you. Feminists don't want equalality with men, they want better treatment than men. I've seen this because I work at a airport a guy won't give a rats bananas who searches their bag or wands them if they set off a metal detector. A woman will call sexual harassment if one of the male screening officers so much as look at her through the screening process

        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 10:10:51 UTC from web
        1. @lonehowler It drives me insane :/ I wish more people realised what a crock it all is.

          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 10:59:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid