

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @awlderpy Don't do weed. It'll give you aids and turn you gay.

      Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:48:05 UTC from web
    2. @awlderpy weed doeling?

      Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:48:11 UTC from web
    3. @awlderpy for smoke? as in tobakko >P

      Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:49:39 UTC from web
    4. @awlderpy Be careful. Weed is no joke.

      Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:50:51 UTC from web
    5. @awlderpy I'm confusing like that. Now being honest, I am outspokenly anti-drugs.

      Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:53:04 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos @awlderpy I lost @260 last month, trying to get to a detox center and some dude giving me my first snort of coke, and promising more, he ran off, left me at the bus stop

        Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:55:19 UTC from web
        1. @aloriality And that's why you shouldn't touch them.

          Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:56:43 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos no, I KNOW you have had others, ever taken tylenol? that's acetaminophen, or cold pills? that's some demix-word I can't spell

            Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:57:51 UTC from web
            1. @aloriality Yeah probably. I'm pretty sure I had at least two or three sicknesses I don't remember when I was a kid.

              Sunday, 28-Jul-13 04:01:35 UTC from web
            2. @aloriality Yeah probably. I'm pretty sure I had at least two or three sicknesses I don't remember when I was a kid.

              Sunday, 28-Jul-13 04:02:18 UTC from web
    6. @awlderpy I am literally clean. Only drugs I've done are antibiotics and ibuprofen/aspirins.

      Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:55:50 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos I bet you have done others!!

        Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:56:37 UTC from web
        1. @aloriality Maybe? A doctor probably prescribed me something else at some point.

          Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:57:21 UTC from web
      2. @nerthos I drink alcohol does that count? Other than that I've only taken antibiotics / painkillers / muscle relaxers.

        Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:57:00 UTC from web
        1. @flamingpandaomg Nah alcohol is fine. Unlike drugs alcoholic beverages are strongly tied to human development. It's just a matter of not abusing it. I drink a bit of liquor or cider now and then.

          Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:58:31 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos @awlderpy HOWEVER alcohol is JUST as addictive as some street drugs

            Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:59:42 UTC from web
          2. @nerthos I only drink casually with friends. Get buzzed but not enough to get smashed. I like knowing what's going on.

            Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:59:50 UTC from web
            1. There was a time I did drink, get buzzed, but not anymore, due to alcoholism, I drink to feel normal, not buzzed, not smashed, and that's just life for me

              Sunday, 28-Jul-13 04:00:46 UTC from web
            2. @flamingpandaomg I don't ever get to the point of being buzzed. Too obsessed with remaining in complete control of my actions.

              Sunday, 28-Jul-13 04:03:00 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos that's as far as I'll get. I still have full control, it just takes me a little bit longer to walk and I'm not nearly as anxious. XD

                Sunday, 28-Jul-13 04:04:45 UTC from web
                1. @flamingpandaomg I just taste it.

                  Sunday, 28-Jul-13 04:06:35 UTC from web
    7. @awlderpy I'm prone to taking an ibuprofen when I have a headache or the like, which is once a month or so

      Sunday, 28-Jul-13 03:59:20 UTC from web
    8. @pegasusjones XD not like that. Just one every so often if my back gets really out of whack.

      Sunday, 28-Jul-13 04:01:39 UTC from web
      1. @flamingpandaomg @pegasusjones @awlderpy how are u three

        Sunday, 28-Jul-13 04:02:26 UTC from web
        1. @housinengi not bad. My butt's asleep but other than that I'm waiting for my friend to tell me she's ready to play some league or I'm probably going to sleep.

          Sunday, 28-Jul-13 04:03:05 UTC from web