

  1. Countdown of days until out of hell; 3 days left. 7 days in. The week has tired me put completely, I have no energy left. It just keeps getting hotter. Loud music kept me up nearly all last night. however, finally found some time away from family in this nice bar. This aside, what's going on here?

    Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:07:22 UTC from web
    1. @woona I made a remix of a song and scoot told me that it's hard to listen to. Mission accomplished

      Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:07:57 UTC from web
      1. @kingcheddarxvii ha. Damn that Scoot. What song?

        Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:11:56 UTC from web
        1. @woona It was a remix of Fashion Monster by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. It's dedicated to my homegirl Junko Enoshima

          Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:12:54 UTC from web
          1. @kingcheddarxvii :DDDDD Can I has a listen? I /love/ Kyary.

            Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:13:41 UTC from web
            1. @woona Yeah, one second, I added some stuff to it and I'm re-exporting it :)

              Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:14:34 UTC from web
              1. @kingcheddarxvii :)

                Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:14:56 UTC from web
                1. @woona Also in one part it may seem like it's finishing, but it is not

                  Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:15:15 UTC from web
              2. @kingcheddarxvii what do you think of Invaders? I dunno if I really like or not. Everyone else I ask has mixed opinions.

                Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:17:33 UTC from web
                1. @woona I haven't actually listened to it yet! Haha I should get around to it. I'm sure I'll like it since I've loved every Kyary song so far, though it is a different genre or something so I'm not sure

                  Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:18:23 UTC from web
                  1. @kingcheddarxvii it's a lot more dubstep-y. I guess I like it... I mean I listen to It a fair amount. And yeah I really like most of her stuff. My favourite is probably Pon Pon Pon though. And I have no idea why.

                    Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:20:38 UTC from web
                    1. @woona My favourite's Candy Candy. Here is the link to the song; it's on my secret blog because I uploaded another version on my main blog, but this one is nicer

                      Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:21:52 UTC from web
                      1. @kingcheddarxvii the start is a little hard to listen to, but overall it was pretty nice :)

                        Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:28:10 UTC from web
                        1. @woona Thank you :)

                          Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:28:18 UTC from web
                        2. @woona Also any annoying parts of the song is intentional because I was testing out different features on Audacity since I never got around to sitting down and testing it out until now :)

                          Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:29:00 UTC from web
                          1. @kingcheddarxvii you used Audacity for that? Nice. You got some skills my son. All I can do is clip and edit pieces of music together.... Poorly xD

                            Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:30:19 UTC from web
                            1. @woona Ahaha thank you, it was my first attempt! I spent like an hour on it. It's fun to do stuff like that, I will do more

                              Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:30:50 UTC from web
                              1. @kingcheddarxvii can't wait :)

                                Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:31:31 UTC from web
                                1. @woona Probably another Kyary song. I love Kyary

                                  Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:31:54 UTC from web
                                  1. @kingcheddarxvii Kyary <3<3<3 I can't believe I missed her England tour :(

                                    Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:33:01 UTC from web
                                    1. @woona And I missed her Australian tour!! When I saw I nearly died

                                      Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:34:11 UTC from web
                                      1. @kingcheddarxvii it r maed me so sad :'(

                                        Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:35:04 UTC from web
                                        1. @woona ye same :'( i love her so much

                                          Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:35:25 UTC from web
                                          1. @kingcheddarxvii she's one of the two people I want to see live in concert just /so/ badly. All the love for Kyary.

                                            Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:37:30 UTC from web
                                            1. @woona I don't even like concerts, but I would brave one just to see her. Kyary is my everyfing

                                              Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:38:03 UTC from web
                                              1. @kingcheddarxvii yeah same, I just couldn't do a normal concert. (lol going outside wtf is that). But yeah, I'd love to go to one just because Kyary. (Or Miku <3)

                                                Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:39:25 UTC from web
                                                1. @woona Yeah :). I'm a huge nerd for the animays

                                                  Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:40:32 UTC from web
                                                  1. @kingcheddarxvii :D I never have time for Anime, too much stuff to do. But when I can (buses or this damn holiday from hell) I read Manga <3 what's your favourite anime & manga?

                                                    Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:42:30 UTC from web
                                                    1. @woona Manga is Yu-Gi-Oh and Sailor Moon and anime is K-on! and Dangan Ronpa. Mainly stereotypical stuff

                                                      Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:43:34 UTC from web
                                                      1. @kingcheddarxvii das because they're good :) Have you watched Sword Art Online or read Maid-sama? They're my favorites :)

                                                        Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:45:43 UTC from web
                                                        1. @woona No! I'm still pretty new to this stuff, but I'll check it out :)

                                                          Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:46:24 UTC from web
                                                          1. @kingcheddarxvii haha, I'm pretty new myself. :) they're pretty awesome but might be specific taste. Also, watch Angel Beats. Never has an anime made me laugh and cry so much.

                                                            Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:48:03 UTC from web
                                                            1. @woona Ah, I've heard of that. I'm kinda scared of it, it sounds spooky and I'm a more cheery magical girl fan myself

                                                              Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:49:07 UTC from web
                                                              1. @kingcheddarxvii it's in no way spooky. It can be really funny. But also /really/ sad. I cried twice xD I'm such a softie xD

                                                                Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:50:29 UTC from web
                                                                1. @woona Okay, I'll check it out! :)

                                                                  Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:50:46 UTC from web
                                                          2. @kingcheddarxvii a guy who I know always keeps recommending me stuff way too fast, so I've got 1000 episodes of anime to watch and even more chapters of manga to read xD

                                                            Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:49:29 UTC from web
                                                            1. @woona Yooo!

                                                              Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:49:55 UTC from web
                                2. @woona Also thank you :)

                                  Saturday, 03-Aug-13 13:32:00 UTC from web