

  1. hello my peeps

    Thursday, 08-Aug-13 08:39:23 UTC from web
    1. @dragoness Hiya!

      Thursday, 08-Aug-13 08:40:55 UTC from web
      1. @coffeecream hi how are you?

        Thursday, 08-Aug-13 08:42:10 UTC from web
        1. @dragoness Pretty good, just copying a game from my Steam library so that my siblings don't go downloading 28GBs all at once

          Thursday, 08-Aug-13 08:43:38 UTC from web
          1. @coffeecream okay are your siblings annoying

            Thursday, 08-Aug-13 08:45:35 UTC from web
            1. @dragoness Yes. But I still like playing games with them now and then, when they care to put up with me

              Thursday, 08-Aug-13 08:46:11 UTC from web
              1. @coffeecream same, i have only one sibling but she can be really annoying!

                Thursday, 08-Aug-13 08:49:26 UTC from web