

  1. @pinkiepie Trying to communicate with oatmeal. I must make it understand that I am it's master. How did you do it, Pinkie?

    Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 01:52:02 UTC from web
    1. @celestia well...its kind of difficult to seem to be on some kinda breakfast kick....want some waffles!?

      Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 01:56:12 UTC from web
      1. @pinkiepie Don't! The waffles are in service of Lord Chacobos, Ruler of Squirrelkind.

        Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 01:57:23 UTC from web
        1. @fialvert naw. not if i make em, oh well, Pancakes?

          Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 01:59:07 UTC from web
          1. @pinkiepie Sure! Mmm...pancakes...

            Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 02:00:49 UTC from web
            1. @fialvert sorry! they are for the Princess! maybe ill make you some later!

              Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 02:01:28 UTC from web
              1. @pinkiepie Nah, I made some muffins earlier!

                Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 02:02:20 UTC from web
                1. @fialvert YAY MUFFINS!

                  Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 02:04:21 UTC from web
    2. @celestia *comes to Celestia's palace* Wow... this is huge....

      Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 01:59:45 UTC from web