

  1. @haganbmj Pretty cool, It's a bit late over here, I should go to sleep now, but I don't want to go to sleep, I haz insomnia D: and tomorrow I'll have an exam at school, but it'll be easy :3, and how are you? :3

    Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 07:49:07 UTC from web
    1. @zodrache69 Not too bad, Just wrapped up an essay I was writing - meaning I can finally get some sleep (almost 4AM here) - I'll be waking back up at 8 though for a class at 9 :/ - Test for me as well, C++, shouldn't be bad though. What test do you have incoming? - and geez, insomnia is an awful thing.

      Wednesday, 13-Apr-11 07:51:53 UTC from web