

  1. idea. Hobo simulator

    Monday, 23-Sep-13 00:48:28 UTC from web
    1. @mushi Find the best begging techniques for food and money.

      Monday, 23-Sep-13 00:50:16 UTC from web
      1. @foxgopher i interact with hobos pretty much everyday, i could make it happen

        Monday, 23-Sep-13 00:52:00 UTC from web
        1. @mushi Do it. I'd play.

          Monday, 23-Sep-13 00:53:05 UTC from web
          1. @foxgopher i'm not a programer. Maybe we coulg get @minti's help

            Monday, 23-Sep-13 00:54:18 UTC from web
            1. @mushi Don't tell him I'm involved. He don't like me much.

              Monday, 23-Sep-13 00:56:59 UTC from web