

  1. @sparklepeep Quite. That'd make a lot more sense. Though I guess it depends on how unicorn magic is generated.

    Tuesday, 09-Aug-11 07:56:10 UTC from TTYtter
    1. @ceruleanspark Well the reasoning I'm imagining is that unicorn magic may be generated elsewhere but it's always delivered via horn so blocking the horn's ability would effectively eliminate magic use. In fact it may kill the unicorn if she attempts to cast a major spell if this was happening.

      Tuesday, 09-Aug-11 07:57:51 UTC from web
      1. @sparklepeep My personal explanation of Unicorn magic is that everypony has magic, but can't project it outside of themselves, unassisted. Pegasi use it for their oddly inertialess flight and gravity-defying hovering. Earth ponies use it for their legendary endurance and strength. Pinkie uses it Pinkie Pie. For Unicorns, the horn is essentially a conductor, so blocking magic at the neck would stop them from casting because the horn wouldn't have access to any reserves....but that doesn't have anything to do with the story, which I admittedly haven't actually read.

        Tuesday, 09-Aug-11 08:09:17 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark But what if magic is in the brain! Then neck blockage won't help!

          Tuesday, 09-Aug-11 08:15:11 UTC from web