

  1. We all wish we could be kinder more then likely. But we are who we are, theres no changing that.

    Friday, 04-Oct-13 14:38:10 UTC from web
    1. @circuithooves well said sir! i was thinking the same

      Friday, 04-Oct-13 14:38:46 UTC from web
      1. @equestriacivildefense Plenty of us are kind enough anyway's. we get that from Fluttershy. Some of us will stay the same no matter what.

        Friday, 04-Oct-13 14:41:49 UTC from web
        1. @circuithooves yes fluttershy! she so kind and cool she won the hub fan favorite.

          Friday, 04-Oct-13 14:43:21 UTC from web
          1. @equestriacivildefense I saw that during research for stories. It was no surprise to me.

            Friday, 04-Oct-13 14:44:08 UTC from web
    2. @circuithooves No way, being kind is for the birds.

      Friday, 04-Oct-13 14:39:03 UTC from web
      1. @anarchycarcino Being kind is for anyone with a heart and does care. which I do.

        Friday, 04-Oct-13 14:42:23 UTC from web