

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @rancidrob Hey, I had a shower today!

      Saturday, 12-Oct-13 22:01:59 UTC from web
    2. @rancidrob I can't complain. @mastertdi coerced me into coming to this site that I visit like once every few months nowadays, but the people around here are usually pretty cool so that's nice. How's about yerself?

      Saturday, 12-Oct-13 22:05:28 UTC from web
    3. @rancidrob Man, you gotta look on the bright side. You could make like top dollar by selling one of them when it comes up.

      Saturday, 12-Oct-13 22:08:22 UTC from web