

  1. !thebronyshow "The Brony Show 117 - A look at secondary characters November comes, and with that comes a new season of MLP. But before we get to that we have to talk about our favorite secondary characters of the show. People love the Mane 6, and background ponies get love too, but now we talk about those that keep Equestria running. Cheerilee, Celstia, Zecora, even Braeburn. Come in for the live show and give us your throughts and opinions on these and other secondary ponies. Be sure to join us at at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST. You can also join us an hour early for the Brony show preshow and get your brony show starting early. Also be sure to stay after for Crimson's oatmeal galore afterparty. if you want us to email you about events going on with the show, just email and ask to be subscribed. If you want to be part of the show, let us know! Email Circuit at and ask for a spot.

    Tuesday, 05-Nov-13 01:52:32 UTC from web