

  1. lol

    Thursday, 07-Nov-13 05:04:52 UTC from web
    1. @djlessthen0 I dunno. I get your beef with annoying folks. But here's my thing: Why should anyone who's deeply into it and tries hard to relate to other folks through pony feel bad about what they're doing? They like something deeply that inspires them and makes them happy...and it's totally harmless. I've met bronies randomly at the grocery store or out on the road and befriended them or given them a bro-hoof and spoken with them because they're just great people, overall.

      Thursday, 07-Nov-13 05:06:45 UTC from web
      1. @clayinthecarpet Because you are also a brony.

        Thursday, 07-Nov-13 05:07:37 UTC from web
        1. @djlessthen0 ...Well that's kinda the point of what they're doing. They're usually desperate for friends who like the show so they could talk about it freely and openly. Just about every guy I've met out here is like that, especially older ones like me.

          Thursday, 07-Nov-13 05:09:11 UTC from web
          1. @clayinthecarpet It's the ones who talk to random people who AREN'T bronies.

            Thursday, 07-Nov-13 05:09:45 UTC from web
            1. @djlessthen0 I've totally never met those folks. Even I'm rather reserved about it in public, aside from my wristbands which are pretty obvious.

              Thursday, 07-Nov-13 05:10:48 UTC from web
              1. @clayinthecarpet When I talk about ponies, I want the other to be a brony. So we can have a more relatable conversation

                Thursday, 07-Nov-13 05:11:41 UTC from web
                1. @djlessthen0 I have spoken to non-bronies about it before, but usually for the shock value that I LOVE to see on their faces. I quickly stop discussing it after I've thoroughly embarrassed them. It's fun.

                  Thursday, 07-Nov-13 05:13:24 UTC from web
                  1. @clayinthecarpet That's fine. IT's the one that never stop talking about it to them.

                    Thursday, 07-Nov-13 05:14:14 UTC from web
                    1. @djlessthen0 I think that's a very small number of bronies, honestly. Very, very small. I've never even met one, even at the theatrical Equestria Girls showing I attended. And I met some DOOZIES there.

                      Thursday, 07-Nov-13 05:15:03 UTC from web
            2. @djlessthen0 Usually I just see people with a shirt on or stickers on their car. I don't see people literally running up to folks saying "I LIKE MLP:FIM!!!!"

              Thursday, 07-Nov-13 05:11:30 UTC from web