

  1. As much as I dislike Scooby Doo (and am probably alone in that) this is a pretty kick mangoes set up! (official too)

    Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:19:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @leonkfox You're not alone...

      Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:22:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @colfax Glad to hear it.

        Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:24:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @mrn4rmn4rm Besides the EA Hub and Scooby Doo promotional thingie, not really :P

      Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:24:04 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    3. @mrn4rmn4rm Ah well :P

      Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:31:59 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    4. @mrn4rmn4rm Some crappy looking racing game, I don't know its name.

      Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:34:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @leonkfox Thats EA for ya

        Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:35:04 UTC from web
        1. @silversmoulder154 Indeed.

          Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:49:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    5. @mrn4rmn4rm They just bought Popcap games

      Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:37:26 UTC from web
    6. @mrn4rmn4rm I can't wait for PvZ 2!!!

      Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:40:14 UTC from web
    7. @mrn4rmn4rm Oh I didn't hear about the zombies in madden! I thought madden was cool but now it's abot 20% cooler!

      Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:45:04 UTC from web
    8. @mrn4rmn4rm I'm being overwhelmed with awesomeness!

      Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:48:51 UTC from web
    9. @mrn4rmn4rm It wasn't Burnout, Burnout is awesome, it was something else, no idea what though.

      Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:49:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    10. @mrn4rmn4rm Burnout Crash?

      Sunday, 14-Aug-11 15:53:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    11. @mrn4rmn4rm Only on 3G atm so I can't. What's wrong with it though?

      Sunday, 14-Aug-11 16:07:32 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @leonkfox Looks like quite the crowd.

        Sunday, 14-Aug-11 16:07:53 UTC from web
        1. @drewdle Indeed, I was surprised by it!

          Sunday, 14-Aug-11 16:16:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    12. @mrn4rmn4rm You seen it before?

      Sunday, 14-Aug-11 16:16:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid