

  1. People seem to like this picture I took but I don't. I was shooting in aperture priority mode, and the shutter overcompensated when she lit her cigarette, and the shutter speed was too high, and the back's all black and when you push process your film to 6400 and it doesn't develop evenly, a really dark background looks bad, but people like it, and I don't know why.

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:25:10 UTC from web
    1. This is why:

      Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:31:43 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @colfax Yup, that about sums it up nicely.

        Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:34:02 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @princessluna I toss that one out just about every time I hear someone talk about how bad they think their own work is, because it's so very true.

          Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:39:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop