

  1. You guys are really interesting to debate with. Nobody has even called me an Apple fanboy or anything yet.

    Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:19:10 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark i don't have anything against apple, they're one of the easiest places to get a server motherboard without constructing the whole thing yourself (Australia here, it's harder xD) and besides, it's always good having one of these arguments xD

      Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:20:20 UTC from web
    2. @rotation Most people don't bother to ask. It's a zero-sum war between Apple and Android to them, and if you're not 100% in agreement with them and google, you're a mindless Apple sheep.

      Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:32:02 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark I gotta confess though, I do see more mindless fanboys for Apple than I do any other tech company, not to say Windows, Android etc don't have them (because that would be an outright lie) but still. That combined with how much they control your product (not allowing the iPhone to record at concerts is just one example) and how overpriced the hardware they sell is does make the company leave a bad taste in my mouth. I do accept some people like them though.

        Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:38:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @leonkfox I don't think there are necessarily more so much as they are louder. If you wanna see mindless OS fanboyism, Neowin and reddit's /r/android board are great places to see face-slappingly stupid Windows and Android fanboys

          Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:40:29 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark You can't bring up an Android, Windows, Linux etc product most places on the internet without at least one Apple fanboy cropping up, in my experience. I've gone into the Apple store with a friend who has a Mac before, gotten some dirty as all hell looks for having a BlackBerry Curve 8520 on my person, anyone would think I'd just touched a little boy or some kiwi! (I had a BlackBerry before this phone, on the same contract)

            Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:44:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    3. @ceruleanspark I thought you were more of a Web OS guy than an iOS one?

      Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:34:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @leonkfox I carry a Zune, an iPad and my Pre 2. I am a walking OS intersection.

        Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:36:58 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark haha, nice. I only have an Android phone myself, but I must confess there is all but one Apple product I might consider buying, and that's the iPod Touch. I would wait for the next generation model though. Wouldn't buy a tablet from any manufactuer if you paid me XD

          Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:40:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @leonkfox I was willing to pay more for the MPB just so I wouldn't have to think about it. I spend all day every day wrestling with computers. When I come home, I want one that just works without me having to care about it. For me, that "freedom" from having to worry about it was worth the price difference. (Also the 7 hour battery)

            Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:43:42 UTC from web
            1. @ceruleanspark My computer always works just fine (besides possibly Windows Movie Maker) and it's a Windows 7 machine running on ancient hardware. It was on XP, but 7 actually IMPROVED its performance which amazed me since 7 is a more demanding OS.

              Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:47:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @leonkfox I mainly use XP, though I really like 7 (the OS and the movie), but it is also a nagging reminder of the more general problem with our technology. Vista was so lame, because it failed to let you use all 64 bits of the processor while using you 32-bit games. Windows 7 works, but the 32-bit processes are mechanically interpreted to run on a 64-bit machine. Then, there is the AMD64 vs the Intel Architecture. It appears that in order to do ones duty to Princess Luna and all of her ponies, one would need to have three compilations for every single program without even considering OSX or Linux or Android.

                Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:57:20 UTC from web
    4. @ceruleanspark I used to be one of those Linux fanboys that would tell you that Windows sucks. Before that, I was a PC hobbyist and enthusiast that would troll you for being a Dude You Got a Mac.

      Friday, 19-Aug-11 13:59:26 UTC from web