

  1. Psyched for season 2 now. The rumoured air date is three days after my birthday. And I can't imagine how much the fandom will explode when the first episode finally airs.

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 11:42:29 UTC from web
    1. @flutterguy93 I don't think it will ever be as good as it was before. most of the neat people that made the community awesome are gone. I doubt a majority of them will return.

      Monday, 22-Aug-11 11:57:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @queenstarlightbolt Poppycock.

        Monday, 22-Aug-11 12:00:08 UTC from web
        1. @noizybrony The community is currently a shell of it's former self. Most of the people left, at this point, are just annoying people and attention whores. That will drive away fans that will return.

          Monday, 22-Aug-11 12:08:52 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @queenstarlightbolt Cause that was summer, dude. Watch, as school rolls around the corner now, the annoying lil hipsters will slowly fade away and then a big (sonic rain)boom is gonna happen once season 2 hits and by that time the annoying dudes won't even be noticed.

            Monday, 22-Aug-11 12:14:32 UTC from web
            1. @noizybrony Yes, but the people that made the community awesome, were the people that said cleaver things and great drawings or music. Now whenever someone makes something good, it goes unseen amongst the spam and attention whore that refuse to aknowledge it, because it will take attention away from their lame accomplishments (if thats what you want to call them). It's very very very rare I find anything on here worth replying to, and when I do no one else joins the conversation, they continue their huggles snuggles bs and spam some more and talk about their post count.

              Monday, 22-Aug-11 12:21:02 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @queenstarlightbolt What would you propose to improve things then? Or, assuming that the community is too far gone to be revived, how would you have saved it, if you could do it over?

                Monday, 22-Aug-11 12:28:20 UTC from web
                1. @ceruleanspark Purge the cancer. But that goes against the spirit of ponies, so it was kind if doomed from the beginning :\

                  Monday, 22-Aug-11 14:17:31 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @queenstarlightbolt heyy

                    Monday, 22-Aug-11 14:19:10 UTC from StatusNet Android
                    1. @carcino I didn't expect to see you on this early

                      Monday, 22-Aug-11 14:20:25 UTC from StatusNet Android
    2. @greydragon412 I don't know you well enough, but you know what they say. "If you have to ask...."

      Monday, 22-Aug-11 14:21:50 UTC from StatusNet Android