Today in Intro to Theatre, I wore my morphsuit, did puppet theatre using My Little Pony toys, homework was moved to next week, and I got dismissed 30 minutes early. College sucks.
Thursday, 25-Aug-11 01:06:08 UTC from web-
@angel yay theater. i love acting. not so much as to pursue a career but just something fun on the side
Thursday, 25-Aug-11 01:07:10 UTC from web-
@madflavors It's more of learning about it than acting.
Thursday, 25-Aug-11 01:12:05 UTC from web-
@angel hello angel
Thursday, 25-Aug-11 01:12:32 UTC from web-
@theawesomepony Hi Pony! @madflavors No actually, it's just for elective credits. I like math. :P
Thursday, 25-Aug-11 01:22:02 UTC from web-
@angel oh.....well now i feel foalish, and i'm glad you like math it's just past the basics me and math are in a rather rocky relationship
Thursday, 25-Aug-11 01:24:11 UTC from web-
@madflavors That's because she loves me.
Thursday, 25-Aug-11 01:36:19 UTC from web-
@angel yea im sure
Thursday, 25-Aug-11 01:37:12 UTC from web
@angel oh well still im assuming that's what you want to do eventually
Thursday, 25-Aug-11 01:12:41 UTC from web