

  1. Oh a meet up! I haven't done one of those in 15 years. It's so weird meeting people you've never seen before. I sat outside of a restaurant for over an hour looking for people that I thought might be in my group until some one inside noticed me and sent some one out to question me.

    Thursday, 25-Aug-11 10:09:54 UTC from web
    1. @daisymare i remember my first meetup :3 ... meeting someone from the UK is awkward xD ... we became heaps close :)

      Thursday, 25-Aug-11 10:12:18 UTC from web
    2. @daisymare i guess the fact that it was the only time we'd see eachother for a few days; and that i'm from the other side of the globe made it less awkward.. we talked freely about our topics, but it wasn' ponies, t'was heavy metal :3

      Thursday, 25-Aug-11 10:25:10 UTC from web