Daring Do (daringdo)
Let's have an adventure everypony!
Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 15:05:27 UTC from web -
@redenchilada Daring Do does not endorse this type of adventure!
Did someone call? Oh goodness, it wasn't sodomy-pony was it?
Daring Do always dresses in style.
@purplephish20 I was a chosen one once.
@cavatina They're guaranteed to scare anyone who isn't at least as awesome as me!
@cavatina I could regale you with one of the many, MANY tales of my awesomeness
I feel like I should have something before my name. Great and Powerful?
If I got hiccups I would have them forever, as Daring Do knows no fear!
@cavatina Sounds like you need something to SCARE those hiccups out of you!
@scribble The usual. Action. Adventure. Griffons.
@thelastgherkin Eww!
@lightningcrash You'd be able to draw about 20% of it.
@redenchilada Ooh Oooh! Draw me being awesome!
@scribble Hey there! How're you?
@redenchilada Oh! It's that colt who wanted to sodomise me before! How you doing?
@cavatina Sorry to keep you waiting!
It takes a little more than that to keep Daring Do down!
*Sounds of a scuffle outside* *staggers in, left wing out of place* Hey everypony!
@scribble Aww, I found it kind of flattering.
@cavatina That's the spirit!
@cavatina Do it anyway!
@trister Well, yesterday I went to a secret meeting with an informant who was supposed to know something about where the eyes are hidden, but the Griffons took him out before I could get to speak to him!
@trister *dusts herself off and readjusts her hat* I try to be! How're you doing?
*rolls out the side of a moving truck*
@cavatina There ya go! http://i.imgur.com/FuhMU.png
@cavatina Sure. What name should I make it out to?
@cavatina It sure did, but I learned a lot about keeping my wings tucked in that day!
@cavatina And I had to pull it out with my teeth!
@cavatina Splinters? Try an arrow!