Notices by Mr. Dat Polish Guy (datpolishguy), page 6

  1. I can't wait for the day that Minecraft dies. It's been digging itself a deep grave that it can't climb out of since beta 1.8 in my opinion.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 22:40:31 UTC from web in context
  2. I'm didn't even delete anything yet somehow the freespace on my hard drive jumped from 112GB to 224GB.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 20:53:44 UTC from web
  3. @mrmattimation The police car is stuck in cement.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 03:42:28 UTC from web in context
  4. Somethings not right about this ad...

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 03:41:07 UTC from web in context
  5. I don't even know why I'm browsing cars. I won't be buying a car for another 3 years or so.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 03:30:10 UTC from web
  6. At first I thought someone wanted 17 dollars for this car.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 03:26:23 UTC from web in context
  7. @pegasusninja Buy it, Play it and then sell it.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 03:15:46 UTC from web in context
  8. I always wanted my own Howrse!

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 03:08:10 UTC from web
  9. Blazing fast download!

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 03:03:25 UTC from web
  10. @pegasusninja RDN has ads now.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 03:01:42 UTC from web in context
  11. The automated voice that you get when you activate Windows by phone is so god damn annoying.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 02:58:44 UTC from web
  12. My little windows, my little windows, ahhhHHHHHHhhaaa, I used to wonder crashing could be, until you shared your blue screens with me.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 01:59:19 UTC from web
  13. Note to self, changing IDE to ACHI in bios = blue screen.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 01:54:45 UTC from web
  14. Installing Windows from a USB 2.0 drive. This is gonna take a while

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 01:49:33 UTC from web
  15. I'd rather have a brand new OS that will have support for many years for the price of less performance then a old OS that more and more devolopers are dropping support for,

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 01:29:16 UTC from web in context
  16. @nerthos Ew Linux. Also my dad does have a spare Windows XP professional CD but I don't really want to install a 12 year old OS.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 01:14:29 UTC from web in context
  17. @nerthos I don't have any other OS to install. =/

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 01:11:40 UTC from web in context
  18. Gonna try to install Windows 8 on this old PC. Vista is murdocking me off.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 01:05:13 UTC from web in context
  19. Buying CS6 would a huge waste for me. Since I really need like 3 program from it.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 01:00:42 UTC from web
  20. Ugh, why do Adobe products have to cost so much? CS6 costs 1,300$.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 00:56:10 UTC from web in context
  21. @jamster Really? I thought I was the only one.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 00:28:09 UTC from web in context
  22. The computer I'm on right now has a Nvida 9800GTX, a Q9930, 8GB DDR2 Ram and Windows Vista

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 00:26:41 UTC from web
  23. @mrmattimation If you were to build a PC with that, use this: Its the same thing but costs 20$ less.

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 00:24:24 UTC from web in context
  24. @mrmattimation Whats the difference between the normal FX8350 and the Black Edition?

    Sunday, 12-Jan-14 00:21:09 UTC from web in context
  25. I was fooling around in Photoshop today during computer programming. I have no idea what I made.

    Friday, 10-Jan-14 21:10:07 UTC from web
  26. @mrmattimation Nevermind. Ads are appearing. They just weren't appearing on my iPad.

    Friday, 10-Jan-14 04:18:52 UTC from web in context
  27. @mrmattimation Did you monitize your videos? You need to do that to have ads on your videos.

    Friday, 10-Jan-14 04:09:11 UTC from web in context
  28. What's with YouTube and randomly changing my language back to English?

    Friday, 10-Jan-14 04:03:51 UTC from web
  29. @mrmattimation Nope, can't see any ads.

    Friday, 10-Jan-14 04:00:16 UTC from web in context
  30. @meloetta cowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowcowCOWCOWCOWCOWCOWCOWCOWCOWCOWCOWCOWCOWCOW

    Thursday, 09-Jan-14 21:19:56 UTC from web in context