Notices by Mr. Dat Polish Guy (datpolishguy), page 7

  1. I just noticed there's a banner ads on the bottom now. When was that added?

    Thursday, 09-Jan-14 05:43:37 UTC from web
  2. @mrdragon Arma 3 Alpha was a lot worse verses Arma 3 now. I used to get around 20 FPS with everything on standard. At launch when it was in the 50s with the same hardware and settings.

    Thursday, 09-Jan-14 01:31:38 UTC from web in context
  3. @mrmattimation App is called "Steam Tile"

    Thursday, 09-Jan-14 01:28:57 UTC from web in context
  4. This is neat. I got an app from the appstore that lets me pin my Steam games to my Start Menu

    Thursday, 09-Jan-14 01:27:07 UTC from web in context
  5. So apparently I didn't have display drivers installed for my graphics card and was using instead the generic ones that come with Windows.

    Thursday, 09-Jan-14 00:57:51 UTC from web
  6. Well that was odd, I was playing Max Payne 3 and all of sudden the game froze, then about a second later my entire screen went red. Followed by my PC restarting. GPU failure maybe?

    Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 23:28:38 UTC from web
  7. Deactivated my Facebook account. Something I should have done a long time ago.

    Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 03:45:37 UTC from web
  8. @vt3c 7th grade me was a Minecraft addict. Almost every project I did was Minecraft related. And on top of that I made Minecraft server tutorials on YouTube.

    Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 02:59:28 UTC from web in context
  9. @vt3c One of my ex-friends got all doleed off when he found out I was brony. Calling me autistic and retarded. It was ironic because he is the same age as me and his spelling makes English teachers cry themselves to sleep

    Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 02:44:23 UTC from web in context
  10. @datpolishguy I did not mean to make that in italics

    Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 02:39:15 UTC from web in context
  11. @vt3c One of my biggest regrets is browsing /r/mylittlepony during computer repair class. Some idiot Bulgarian senior made a huge fit about it. Come on, you are almost a adult. Act like one/

    Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 02:38:53 UTC from web in context
  12. @awesam15 I hate group projects because I end up always doing all the damn work. When we had to do some video presentation. There were 4 of us and the other guy decided not to help at all but instead play on his iPad. So the day before the we were to present the videos. We all agreeded to meet after school to write the scipt and record it. Guess what. The asshole didn't show up. So me and the other two girls in our group had to record and script the whole video. And on top of that I had to edit and render it. By the time I was done it was 9 and I didn't do any of my other homework. Group projects are stupid and almost always end badly.

    Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 02:30:12 UTC from web in context
  13. My mom walked in asking me about my grades and how I have Fs in some. I said that I already have talked with the teachers and will sort them out. She showed me all of my missing ones and I told her that for those I can't make up. Now she wants me to have the teachers sign some slip of paper that confirms that those can't be made up. -_-

    Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 02:25:48 UTC from web in context
  14. Managed to make a SFM video in about two hours. =D

    Tuesday, 07-Jan-14 04:55:00 UTC from web
  15. @diciestryan 13 million votes. Holly crap.

    Tuesday, 07-Jan-14 02:03:38 UTC from web in context
  16. @oracle Why are you doing that?

    Tuesday, 07-Jan-14 00:36:00 UTC from web in context
  17. @scoot I tend to do that a lot.

    Tuesday, 07-Jan-14 00:27:04 UTC from web in context
  18. I need help.

    Tuesday, 07-Jan-14 00:23:37 UTC from web in context
  19. @oracle The only thing that right now is canceling schools is that its -10F outside and about more then about two feet of snow on the ground. I guess they are doing it since a lot of people have no choice but to walk to school (Like I have do)

    Tuesday, 07-Jan-14 00:18:53 UTC from web in context
  20. My school's cancellation got extended another day. Thank you Chicago weather!

    Tuesday, 07-Jan-14 00:14:53 UTC from web in context
  21. @jamster Sure! haven't played in a while

    Monday, 06-Jan-14 21:23:27 UTC from web in context
  22. I love how in Sims 2 University I can if I need money I can just sell other people's stuff.

    Monday, 06-Jan-14 17:39:14 UTC from web in context
  23. @flamingpandaomg I was like 6 years old when I started playing Sims 2. I doubt I would have though of storing them somewhere on my computer.

    Monday, 06-Jan-14 17:35:38 UTC from web in context
  24. @tia Its CTRL- And CTRL+ but I'm used to CTRL Scrolling. I found a setting in the options the enables zooming with the scroll wheel though.

    Monday, 06-Jan-14 17:34:03 UTC from web in context
  25. Sucks though that SimCity is old, it has trouble rendering in hardware mode. My GPU is too new.

    Monday, 06-Jan-14 17:07:19 UTC from web
  26. While waiting for Sims 2 to install, I'm gonna go play some SimCity 4 =D

    Monday, 06-Jan-14 17:06:20 UTC from web
  27. Ugh, You can't zoom in by holding CTRL and using the mousewheel in Photoshop. -_-

    Monday, 06-Jan-14 17:04:51 UTC from web in context
  28. My jackass step-sister borrowed my Apartment Life expansion pack like 2 years ago. When I asked her recently for it she acted like I never gave her it.

    Monday, 06-Jan-14 17:02:57 UTC from web
  29. @mrmattimation What I like about the Sims 2 games is that if you lose a CD key to one of your games. Someone can give you theirs and it will work.

    Monday, 06-Jan-14 17:00:13 UTC from web in context
  30. I still have the original 4 CD Sims 2 box. Though I don't use it anymore since I have the Double Deluxe which packs those 4 CDs plus the Nightlife expansion pack into one DVD.

    Monday, 06-Jan-14 16:57:52 UTC from web