Adam Robert Bartlett Campbell's home timeline


  1. !bronylon I have enough money to cover my payment, so that should be no problem

    Wednesday, 15-May-13 18:30:23 UTC from web
    • !bronylon Actually, if spots are still open my schedule just cleared up. I'll definitely be able to pay for myself. If I'm too late for booking just let me know.

      Wednesday, 15-May-13 18:13:13 UTC from web
    • !bronylon You can count me in, I'll be available on May 25.

      Wednesday, 15-May-13 16:05:18 UTC from web
    • !bronylon I've been planning my birthday party at LaserQuest on the 25th. The birthday package requires a minimum of 8 people. I only have 4 confirmed and 2 tbd, so if anyone wants 2 games and a Buy One Game Get One Free card, all for $16, all you have to do is pay for yourself and show up about noon. Let me know by tomorrow, because I'm making reservations.

      Tuesday, 14-May-13 20:35:11 UTC from web
    • !bronylon I'd like to apologize again for not being able to attend this time around, and I'll like to also state that if we do intend on making our next meeting on the 25 I doubt I'll be able to go to that one too. Is there anything in June we could plan around now so that I'd be able to book things around it, ensuring attendance on my Part?

      Monday, 13-May-13 18:42:27 UTC from web
      • !bronylon Just stopping by to thank you guys for coming to yesterday's meet up (on Flame's behalf, get in here dude!) I had a ton of fun flailing about, trying to figure out what was going on. Well, to be honest, the majority of my day is spent doing just that, but it's always more fun with friends. :P

        Sunday, 12-May-13 19:55:19 UTC from web
      • !bronylon I'm sorry I couldn't come guys, I was returning from visiting my grandfather at his cottege. Anybody know if they'll be able to make it to the meetup on May 25? Also, is it taking place at Laser Quest?

        Sunday, 12-May-13 21:48:48 UTC from web
        • !bronylon we've been at my place for 3 hours

          Saturday, 11-May-13 21:34:07 UTC from web
        • !bronylon you guys still out?

          Saturday, 11-May-13 19:21:04 UTC from web
          • !bronylon

            Saturday, 11-May-13 17:57:24 UTC from web
            • !bronylon got bad news......I dont have a way of getting there and whiteoaks is across the city

              Saturday, 11-May-13 16:56:38 UTC from web
              • !bronylon well I get off work at 12 then still have like a 45 to 60 min drive to london

                Saturday, 11-May-13 03:25:44 UTC from web
              • !bronylon I don't think I'll be able to make it this time around. Sorry, guys.

                Saturday, 11-May-13 04:43:06 UTC from web
                • !bronylon any way I can get a hold of somebody Skype text ect don't know where you guys will be at when I get their

                  Saturday, 11-May-13 03:04:02 UTC from web
                • !bronylon I think i might have to scoot off about 3:30 then

                  Saturday, 11-May-13 03:02:28 UTC from web
                  • !bronylon Ok

                    Saturday, 11-May-13 02:53:11 UTC from web
                    • !bronylon well I'm not near a number 13 bus stop :/

                      Saturday, 11-May-13 02:42:49 UTC from web
                      • !bronylon i just need to be near a 13 bus stop

                        Saturday, 11-May-13 02:41:56 UTC from web
                        • !bronylon its not even 20 minutes unless you walk really slow

                          Saturday, 11-May-13 02:39:07 UTC from web
                          • !bronylon ok i will have to go around 4 for work. is FF house near the mall?

                            Saturday, 11-May-13 02:22:23 UTC from web
                          • !bronylon So the meet is at subway but we are going someplace else? i could show up but i would have to go early.

                            Saturday, 11-May-13 02:16:12 UTC from web
                          • !bronylon see you guys tomorrow at 12 at white oaks by subway :D

                            Saturday, 11-May-13 00:56:04 UTC from web
                            • !bronylon um what should I exspect iv never been to a meet up before iv got some pony card if you want me to bring them... I can stay for 2 long seening is how I need to be back in chatham to go racing

                              Friday, 10-May-13 04:25:42 UTC from web
                            • !bronylon I unfortunately won't be able to attend again this time around. :/ I'm sorry I've been unable to attend anything since joining but my schedule is extremely busy and unchangeable as of right now. I hope I can join up some time soon to actually meet you all for once.

                              Friday, 10-May-13 02:21:49 UTC from web
                              • !bronylon so what are we having lunch at subway? im thinking about coming but I could only be able to stay for a little bit I would need to be back to chatham as we race on saterdays

                                Wednesday, 08-May-13 03:38:52 UTC from web
                              • !bronylon Since Uni ended I had to go back to Toronto, so I probably won't be able to see any of you for at least 4 months or so D: Have fun at the meetup on the 11th! Hopefully in September I'll have a decent collection of the series 2 cards and we can trade :)

                                Tuesday, 07-May-13 17:49:09 UTC from web
                                • !bronylon I'm short a few people for the birthday special, so if anyone wants to join me for my birthday, it's $16/person. We'd get there about 12, play 2 games, and you get a buy one game get one free coupon. No presents required. lol

                                  Thursday, 02-May-13 19:53:32 UTC from web
                                • !bronylon To anyone planning on attending the hangout on May 11th, what's your favourite shot of the show? I'm going to be bringing fancy glossy prints of screenshots, and I'm taking requests if anyone wants a neat poster or something to display.

                                  Saturday, 04-May-13 18:29:21 UTC from web
                                • !bronylon oh their was somebody asking about season 2 trading cards in London a little while back well I found some season 2 cards in game city in Windsor the cards look better then last years in my opinion any hoof keep me posted on whats going to on I wouldent mind coming to a meet up

                                  Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 05:59:07 UTC from web
                                  • !bronylon some kinda lazer tag you other bronies are planning?

                                    Tuesday, 30-Apr-13 04:46:39 UTC from web