Adam Robert Bartlett Campbell's home timeline


  1. @scoot

    Sunday, 26-May-13 23:36:22 UTC from web
    • Hey everybody I'm really nice person... I just want you to know BROHOOF /)

      Sunday, 26-May-13 23:25:10 UTC from web
    • @redenchilada want my skype? sierraluvanime1

      Sunday, 26-May-13 23:05:15 UTC from web
      • !seattlebronies hey I'm Sierra I'm a brony female but I love to chat with people whose in Seattle... I'm in Fall city but a hours away from Seattle. Anybody can add me.... I wont bite XD

        Sunday, 26-May-13 22:18:48 UTC from web
        • !bronylon Yeah I certainly had fun too; I'm glad I was able to attend a meeting where it wasn't too overwhelming to have so many people in one meeting. I'm glad I was able to get to know a lot of you, and I had a ton of fun at Lazer Quest. I can't wait for the next meet-up!

          Saturday, 25-May-13 19:30:36 UTC from web
          • !bronylon Thanks all for the fun time at laserquest, hope to see you all again soon.

            Saturday, 25-May-13 17:52:08 UTC from web
            • !bronylon Also, dumb question but um, is Bronylon supportive of femal bronies/pegasisters

              Saturday, 25-May-13 14:33:18 UTC from web
            • !bronylon Because of the sixteenth being Father's Day, and the theater having no other dates for it to be playing in the near future, I won't be able to join you for the Equestria Girls premiere.

              Saturday, 25-May-13 14:32:14 UTC from web
            • !bronylon Today's the big day! See you all there. :D

              Saturday, 25-May-13 14:27:14 UTC from web
            • !bronylon Equestria Girls is playing at the Westmount on June 16th. Hope to see you all there.

              Saturday, 25-May-13 05:19:41 UTC from web
            • !bronylon I probably won't be able to stay to chat for terribly long but I will be there to at least get to know a few of you.

              Saturday, 25-May-13 03:45:05 UTC from web
              • !bronylon hey so I turns out I have to go to London on saterday anyways so I think I meet you guys in the park for a little but a last keep me posted

                Friday, 24-May-13 03:50:10 UTC from web
                • !bronylon Laserquest will be done about 1. We'll head to Victoria Park from there.

                  Wednesday, 22-May-13 03:40:19 UTC from web
                  • !bronylon Do we have an approximation of what time we might be finished up at?

                    Wednesday, 22-May-13 01:52:29 UTC from web
                    • !bronylon haven't ben on hear in a week lol I had fun last meet up getting destroyed at mash bros I don't think I can make this party though sorry spartandy has some cake for me wish all you guys luck and come back in one pice lol

                      Monday, 20-May-13 02:33:02 UTC from web
                      • !bronylon Quick change of plans. While we play our game, my dad will run to a DQ to get the cake. Once the game's over, it's a walking distance to Victoria Park, where we can hang out there.

                        Sunday, 19-May-13 00:00:33 UTC from web
                        • !bronylon Any other information we should know before the big day?

                          Saturday, 18-May-13 02:47:15 UTC from web
                        • !bronylon It looks like I'll be able to attend this little shootout after all. I may or may not be at the Laser Quest before 11:40.

                          Friday, 17-May-13 22:21:57 UTC from web
                          • !bronylon if we do we will make our own reservation

                            Friday, 17-May-13 20:02:01 UTC from web
                            • !bronylon I'm not making any promises but my bro and I may or may not show up.

                              Friday, 17-May-13 20:01:34 UTC from web
                              • !bronylon Alright, I'll see what I can do.

                                Friday, 17-May-13 19:06:10 UTC from web
                                • !bronylon I've changed reservations over the phone before. You tell em you want to add or subtract people. As long as they arnt overbooked you can add people.

                                  Friday, 17-May-13 16:46:13 UTC from web
                                  • !bronylon Any other information you feel that we should know about?

                                    Friday, 17-May-13 14:54:52 UTC from web
                                    • !bronylon I already put in the reservation, but if you want to join, you have to pay for a regular game. Our vehicles are full, so if you can find your own rides to LaserQuest, that'd be great. Remember, no later than 11:40.

                                      Friday, 17-May-13 14:27:33 UTC from web
                                      • !bronylon Where will the rendezvous point be?

                                        Thursday, 16-May-13 21:44:28 UTC from web
                                        • !bronylon

                                          Thursday, 16-May-13 21:43:51 UTC from web
                                          • !bronylon Also, thank you so much, everyone.

                                            Thursday, 16-May-13 20:01:18 UTC from web
                                            • !bronylon Reservation is in. Those of you coming, show up NO LATER than 11:40. I couldn't get the party room, so we'll have to improvise.

                                              Thursday, 16-May-13 20:00:44 UTC from web
                                              • !bronylon anyone else? People got back to me late, so I'm calling tomorrow. Last chance.

                                                Thursday, 16-May-13 04:18:40 UTC from web
                                                • !bronylon Great. Two down. Now I gotta wait for the tbd's to get back to me, so the rest of you have got til then. :P

                                                  Wednesday, 15-May-13 19:18:54 UTC from web