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!chinesespeakingbronies chinese
A group for the Mandarin Chinese speaking portion of the brony world, btw I'm American and am currently just learning Chinese, so I may not be able to understand you perfectly if you actually use Chinese. 一组为国语中文为母语的brony世界的一部分,顺便说一句,我美国和我目前刚刚开始学习中文,所以我可能不能够完全理解你,如果你真的使用中国。
中国讲bronies (chinesespeakingbronies) group
@flutterstyle Y U No post anything?!?! We could be practicing !Chinese!!!
Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 00:05:25 UTC from web -
@badcooldude Aww......I really need somepony else to join !chinese
Thursday, 09-Feb-12 03:18:46 UTC from web-
@badcooldude WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!?!?
@fluttershy321 Lovely
@macpony55 Hai.
Drug market, submarket, sometimes I wonder how I ever got in. Blood market, love market, sometimes I wonder why they need me at all!
Thursday, 20-Oct-11 07:38:25 UTC from web-
@redback Graver Robber, Graver Robber, sometimes I wonder why I need you at all. (It's clean, it's clear, it's pure, it's rare) (It's clean, it's clear, it's pure, it's rare) It takes you there! It what? (It's clean, it's clear, it's pure, it's rare) It takes you there! (It's clean, it's clear, it's pure, it's rare) Before you cut! (It's clean, it's clear, it's pure, it's rare) A change inside! (It's clean, it's clear, it's pure, it's rare) I can't feel nothing at all! Feel alive!
@grimauxiliatrix OK, that's it. I am doing a ponified version of Repo!