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!chinesespeakingbronies chinese

A group for the Mandarin Chinese speaking portion of the brony world, btw I'm American and am currently just learning Chinese, so I may not be able to understand you perfectly if you actually use Chinese. 一组为国语中文为母语的brony世界的一部分,顺便说一句,我美国和我目前刚刚开始学习中文,所以我可能不能够完全理解你,如果你真的使用中国。

chinesespeakingbronies group members

A list of the users in this group.

  • Jack Zhang jackzhang Jack Zhang Burnaby, BC, Canada

    Vancouver Brony that is a graduate of the Broadcast - Television Diploma program at BCIT. Part of the Video Team at BronyCAN 2014.

  • Macpony55 macpony55 Macpony55 Admin United States

    I dunno, I suppose I do stuff, there's pretty much no limit to the stuff I do. Enjoy new things, enjoy old things, talk to me about something, maybe I'll know what you're sayin', or maybe I won't and I'll be learning something new. Win-Win, for me at least :p TCButters is my name for other online things