I am a Brony musician, although my music isn't fully out there in the Brony community.
Group actions
If you love Jesus and ponies, then this is the group for you!!!
christianbronies group members
A list of the users in this group.
flashinglights Michael Sorenson United States
tommewolf Daniel Garcia Westmont, IL, USA https://www.facebook.com/SverdMorket
... Musician? I guess... hehehe hehehe nah! I'm from Guatemala, my age is 22 years old... I start watching MLP:FiM in 2012 thanks to a anime community in Facebook... and suddenly! I was trapped by the story and large ponies attacks I found everywhere... EVEN IN MY METAL PAGES!!! anyway... Hope to meet somepony to talk and maybe meetup to take some coffee (or some beers)... ;)
soundbrony Connor Alaska
Hey, what's up. My name is Connor, or Soundshatter, whichever u want to call me. I am a DJ who loves music, specifically electronic music of all genres (including pony related songs). If u have a question or just want to talk, cool, I'm always pretty social.
aliciaisabrony Alicia Quintanilla Edmonton AB
I like chitchatting about just about everything. Especially ponies. LETS BE FRANDS OK. THANKS c:
applejack9 Laura Albuquerque, NM
I moved to Albuquerque from Houston, TX not too long ago. I'm still new to the area, and I'd love to meet some new friends! I enjoy hiking, bbq, writing, anything that gets me outdoors really, reading, writing, coffee shops, and pubs. My favourite shows are Star Trek and of course...My Little Pony!!! If I had to name a fave character from Friendship is Magic, it would probably be Applejack ^_^
unsweetroyalty Ryan G Dallas,GA
I'm 16 and rather socially awkward. I like ponies, video games, and anime. That's pretty much it. Yeah... Steam: holy_hand_grenade Xbox: Soon... I also have no idea how this site works.
moututtihead moudood ahmad chouhary uk
im a boy in england an im just 10 years old but ever since mlpfim was made i liked it whitch turned me into a brony.
iluvzfluttershy iluvzfluttershy Rockford, Illinois
Im Darren, I am 15. I am a Sophmore. I love meeting new people but am also shy about it. I feel like im the only brony in the Rockford area so im hoping to make new friends, join events, and share the magic of friendship. My pony name is Mixtape. I love my 2004 Hyundai Elantra. I am into (other than mlp) graphic design, video creating, music, Dj ing, swimming, Visiting nearby Chicago, and watching TV. I am also on the Playstation 3 Network. PSN User: IcRaShAoT PS, Fluttershy Rockz
teddystorm Colin Thalacker Eau Claire, WI
My name is Colin and I live in Eau Claire, WI. I'm currently attending UW-Eau Claire and am working towards a degree in History. I like to play video games, read books, play basketball and just relax. I've become a brony only recently but I'm already starting the like the show/fandom so much and I hope to meet some great people here!
dezzierose dezzie again The combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell http://high-metafive.tumblr.com
I was on here when I was like 12. hey again its me
darkngel001 dark ngel
blues4th Brandon Forth Admin Liberty MO http://www.facebook.com/brandon.forth.3?ref=tn_tnmn
Hi! Welcome to my Home Page! I am 19 and I love Rainbow Dash!!. I am an Eagle Scout, a artist, and good with animals. I am currently in the US Army, training to launch Patriot missiles