Group actions
Anytown, USA
A group for ponies who play real games, like DooM, Wolf3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Marathon, etc.
2.5D Bronies (fake3dbronies) group
Good new 2.5D loving ponies. :3 The XL Engine is nearing completion more and more. It even supports BLOOD so now you can realize your dreams of a modern engine to play Blood with. Additionally it supports Daggerfall, Outlaws, and Dark Forces. You can find more info and the latest version of the engine at !fake3dbronies
Thursday, 08-Dec-11 15:33:00 UTC from web -
Death Wish the recently released fan made episode for BLOOD is glorious. You should really try it sometime if you have a retail copy of Blood. !fake3dBronies
Wednesday, 16-Nov-11 18:37:14 UTC from web -
The original trailer for the cult hit Horror 2.5D FPS Blood one of the most glorious FPS's of all time. If you've not played it shame on you. :3 !fake3dBronies
Friday, 11-Nov-11 15:06:33 UTC from web -
i watched a skyrin gameplay video... First person games give me cancer....
Friday, 11-Nov-11 14:59:31 UTC from web -
!fake3dbronies The Gauntlet has been thrown down. Bloodbath 2 vs 1 #Floit21 vs. Jinny. Who will win?
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 00:58:59 UTC from web -
Hello everypony.
Saturday, 22-Oct-11 04:43:46 UTC from web-
@scribusmyers That is a very odd allergy you have. Maybe some kind of allergy "vaccine" could cure you since it's so sporadic.
@jinny May e but I'll just stick to ooc meds
@scribusmyers Yes that's true, who knows what kind of side effects the "experiemental drugs" may cause.
Attention: Today's game of the day is: Exumed/Power Slave for the PC, PSX, and Sega Saturn. That is all. !fake3dbronies
Thursday, 20-Oct-11 14:10:41 UTC from web -
Anypony here play any real games, like Catacombs Abyss, Nitemare3D, Wolf3D, Blood, Shadow Warrior, Duke Nukem 3D, DooM, etc. Any real awesome 2.5D games? !fake3dbronies
Thursday, 20-Oct-11 02:24:17 UTC from web -
@flaxx A singer in a smokey room, the smell of wine and cheap perfume.
Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 18:02:40 UTC from web-
@jinny i was just saying no u dont just for the sake of it i dunno lol
@theawesomepony Oh haha, well it still doesn't change that I'm not particularly funny. ;)
Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 17:13:34 UTC from web
@jinny it musta happened as i took a 3week break
@zach121k brb ouiz
@theawesomepony Yes, it must have. ^^ It's fine though, it's just a blur to me. hehe.
Man, there need to be more rad Bronies in the !fake3dbronies group. Don't any of ya'll still play, Doom, Wolf3D, Blood, Marathon, etc?
Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 17:46:40 UTC from web -
Anypony like real FPS games? 2.5D ones then I made a group just fro us. !fake3dbronies
Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 00:56:52 UTC from web