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Mashups from Neural Psychosis!
!npmashups mashups neupsy supermashupboy
Enjoy mashups from Coffee Cream/Neurario/Neural Psychosis?
Mashups from Neural Psychosis! (npmashups) group
- So this happened while I was gone. (Audio: !neupsy @#mashups
Friday, 13-Jun-14 05:07:20 UTC from web -
It occurs to me I make a lot of mixes. !neupsy
Friday, 14-Mar-14 05:45:18 UTC from web -
Two things: I'm going to re-do my "Summer Sun Celebration" sets (no event coming up, that's just what I'm calling them) to try to tailor them to a theme - Sunlight, Moonlight, Good Times, Boogie Love, Magic, and Chaos. I might /try/ to make it all one set that sort of transitions between the different themes.
It'll be strange for me to try to organise the songs to fit all the tracks in their proper place, so maybe once this heat wave is over and I have access to my computer I will start making playlists for each theme. So feel free to suggest tracks and artist (not just brony music, either) for each theme!Friday, 31-Jan-14 10:27:29 UTC from web - Here you go ponies, this should help you cheer up :3
Monday, 20-Jan-14 09:17:39 UTC from web -
Pony mashup album name idea: "Duelling Decks: Neu Vs Vinyl". Feel free to suggest your own ideas.
Sunday, 12-Jan-14 07:01:54 UTC from web -
!npmashups Bam, here it is! Let me know what you think :3
Thursday, 02-Jan-14 02:15:17 UTC from web