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!paragonova group is for UberHaxxorNova lovers!
paragonova group members
A list of the users in this group.
star star the alicorn
wortblarger Aaron M Reynolds washington state
i am a brony. my favorite food is pizza. favorite pony is rainbow dash. most of my day is playing games or watch youtube. and every brony is an awesome pony
thedrkillshot32 Adrian
Hey! i'm just your average pony, cartoon, video game, anime, and comic loving guy.
chillman23 Christian Carranza Daly City, CA
17/High School Student/Love Princess Luna/ The Apprentice of fluttershy321 /Skype:chilledchaos23/ Gamertag:Chaosbringer23/ Steam: chillman23/PSN: Chilledchaos23
rainbowdash465 Fred Hibbing,MN
MLP lover all around, have lots of merch, happy to be a brony and proud. B4L
dubstepcat Takeshi Slengonshin Admin On Skype, fuji.kashimi
I am Takeshi Slengonshin!