Daly City, CA
http://www.youtube.com/user/mightyone72717/High School Student/Love Princess Luna/ The Apprentice of fluttershy321 /Skype:chilledchaos23/ Gamertag:Chaosbringer23/ Steam: chillman23/PSN: Chilledchaos23
More details...Christian Carranza (chillman23)
Well, I gotta start geting ready, See ya all sometime!
@mushi Hello my old friend ^.^
@dyshviccer I am swell thanks for asking. I just woke up :P Havent been on here in forever
How is everypony?
its been awhile since ive been here.
Thursday, 13-Sep-12 04:50:27 UTC from web -
hallo everypony. I'm home
Friday, 22-Jun-12 04:21:35 UTC from web -
@bitshift Nighty night
@nerthos go ahead
@nerthos he's up. I just told him he felt light headed and helped him up.
@nerthos I'm not suggesting doing that! just talk to them. Jeez what am i? a guy who will knock out the girls dad to get to them?
@nerthos us the internet portal
@nerthos ehhhh i dont want to be a dick. you can have them though.
@dlcentaur right? :P
@nerthos oops nevermind, they have boyfriends.
@nerthos if a thud on the floor is an answer, then yes
@nerthos already done.
@dlcentaur my parentals wanted to go
@nerthos the father is next door also
@nerthos uhm me in a room alone with some really cute girls next door.
@nerthos not yet. I dont really think the North Cal mafia will hit
@dlcentaur Nothing to do in a Casino for a teenager
@dlcentaur Im alright. Stuck at a hotel room in a casino
how is everyone doing?
@cajunbrony23 that is absolutely wonderful
@getacutiemark I visit often. but not as much as i used to.
@getacutiemark No idea. Feels normal.
Looking for Steam buddies. Please be my friend :3 chillman23
Wednesday, 20-Jun-12 18:54:07 UTC from web -
@cajunbrony23 you are the sky?
ok Im back from TF2 playing. how is everypony?
@cajunbrony23 ohh, im sorry for you.