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!stlouisbronies stlbronies
St. Louis, MO
For the bronies, fillies, and gentlecolts in the Greater Saint Louis area, St. Louis City, and the surrounding counties.
Share news, gossip, general information, and discuss about how Friendship is Magic. Open to all who wish to meet, greet, and otherwise get together!
St. Louis Bronies (stlouisbronies) group
Any meet up near Wizard's Wagon
Wednesday, 13-May-15 13:46:00 UTC from web-
@oystergames I was thinking of making a st.l bronycon if you want to help contact me
@oystergames I was thinking of making a stl bronycon if anypony wants to help contct me
!stlouisbronies Hope to be able to make it to some meetups c: (Gosh I hope I'm not the only girl though, that'd be a lil awkward)
Monday, 25-Feb-13 07:05:19 UTC from web- phillip schuler likes this.
@dash86 !stlouisbronies I'm grand, thanks. Thinkin about trying to organize a small meetup around the Forest Park area.
@pyxis !stlouisbronies that sound good and do you have a facebook
!stlouisbronies any one going to bronycon 2014
Wednesday, 30-Oct-13 06:36:28 UTC from web -
Thursday, 17-Oct-13 03:30:41 UTC from web
!stlouisbronies Anymeetups soon? I've found tons of bronies at my school already!
Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 03:32:23 UTC from web -
!stlouisbronies howdy stl bronies anyone a pony artist?
Sunday, 27-Nov-11 21:06:04 UTC from web-
@mylittlemaxy !stlbronies No
@mylittlemaxy !stlouisbronies I am! :)
!stlouisbronies anypony down for a meet up in the loop? possibly at blueberry hill or star clipper comics. also any yall blues fans?
Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 19:58:27 UTC from web -
!stlouisbronies I wonder if there's going to be any meet ups for this group within the next couple of months or even next year since I'm going to be moving there in August. :3
Sunday, 09-Jun-13 06:40:36 UTC from web -
!stlouisbronies - When is the next meetup?
Tuesday, 12-Mar-13 13:43:01 UTC from web -
!stlouisbronies . Ill see if i can't make a special appearance.
Thursday, 28-Feb-13 02:28:32 UTC from web-
@project114 i'll be around in june!
be moving there soon, meetups must be had !stlouisbronies
Monday, 11-Feb-13 00:02:19 UTC from web -
@killer576k i see you live in marshal, maybe we could have a meet up soon? :D
Monday, 23-Jul-12 20:01:39 UTC from web-
@killer576k lol i doubt we will i'm still waiting to go to my 1st meet up so we gots plenty of time :P
@deadhor5 ok. althoe i also realy cant wait to have a meet up as well. :P
@killer576k !stlouisbronies Just want to put out there that RDN seems to be a pretty slow spot for St. Louis Bronies. There's a lot of us on a Facebook group, just search St. Louis Bronies. We are active and do have little meetups, though I haven't been able to attend any yet due to work. I know a lot of the crew are at Natsucon this weekend. There is a planned meetup at the Japanese Festival, as well, that I will be at along with several others.
!stlbronies Um...I accidentally left and re-joined the group. Apparently that puts you at the front of the members list. Sorry, didn't mean to; I was just trying to figure out how to get updates automatically sent to my email.
Thursday, 19-Jul-12 07:46:24 UTC from web -
!stlbronies @garylisk I'll be at Archon this year, As well as Natsucon, the summer anime convention
Monday, 16-Jul-12 04:10:33 UTC from web-
@afrodash !stlbronies Never been to Natsucon, though I went to Anime St. Louis its first year when it was merged with another convention. It was... crowded, small hotel and lots of people, and triple booked, including a wedding. I am sure the people posing in wedding photos loved the people wearing cat ears in the background lol
!stlbronies Oh yes, while I am thinking of it... I see someone mentioned it last year, but thought I'd ask again - Does anyone on here plan on attending Archon (St. Louis area Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention) this fall? I am particularly looking forward to it since this is my first year in many years to attend it where I won't be staff, so I actually get to do, you know, convention stuff! :P
Sunday, 15-Jul-12 23:39:10 UTC from web -
!stlouisbronies I haven't played ddr in ages, but I'm game. Don't expect anything impressive!
Sunday, 15-Jul-12 06:37:04 UTC from web-
@garylisk !stlouisbronies Cool. Only thing is, I've never been to a casino. I'm not too fond of the whole idea of gambling so I've always tried to stay away, so I don't know too much about what they're like. I'm a bit nervous about going to one to be honest.
@fearsomedragonfly !stlouisbronies Well, I am pretty sure there's other DDR Machines in the area. That said, the casino itself is on the "boat" part of the complex. Ameristar is a big indoor place with restaurants and stuff, including the arcade where the DDR machine is. You don't even have to set foot on the gaming floor or get a membership card or anything. Also, the buffet is quite impressive.
@garylisk !stlbronies Oh. Well, that doesn't sound so bad!
!stlouisbronies Anypony in the St. Louis area play DDR? I was just at Ameristar St. Charles earlier playing, and thought that would be an idea for a gathering, if enough people play.
Friday, 13-Jul-12 03:24:25 UTC from web-
@garylisk Down in Austin we have an arcade with Technika, Pop 'n 17(?), and an OpenITG upgrade (with pony music even!!!), and a pizza place with a pretty good ITG2 dedicab, but other than that and a Pump Fiesta machine somewhere there's not that much around here either. :/
@garylisk Hi! I think I just got myself lost somewhere...
!stlouisbronies I'd be totally down for a brony ddr meetup
!stlouisbronies Only just found this. Looks like the St. Louis spot isn't very active!
Saturday, 07-Jul-12 18:05:12 UTC from web-
@madcactus That'd be a blast, though I am not the greatest at organizing anything. ;^_^ Got a flyer in the mail today from Archon and started wondering how the Brony turnout for that would be.
@garylisk Thats why we have to make it active! We have to spread love and tolerance and get this group going again!
@afrodash Agreed! I mean, I've been dying to meet some other serious bronies for ages, but I don't have the resources to go all the way to NY for bronycon...also once or twice a year just wouldn't be enough for me.
!stlouisbronies Is this group still active? I just got back to MO and totally would like to make some new brony friends this summer.
Thursday, 28-Jun-12 09:13:32 UTC from web-
@madcactus Check out - It's a group of midwesterners, anyway. I supposed that's a start.
@afrodash I'd think a spot like this is sort of tailored for it, though, yes? Just gotta get everypony to get on here.
@madcactus FB group sounds like a good start.
!stlouisbronies So is anyone else willing to keep this alive?
Saturday, 28-Apr-12 22:54:03 UTC from web -
!stlouisbronies Well....I guess I'm a little late :/
Sunday, 22-Apr-12 20:43:35 UTC from web -
Friday, 23-Mar-12 05:19:48 UTC from web- Ryan Muskopf likes this.
!stlouisbronies Right, let's try this again. In case anyone hasn't noticed, there's a notice on EQD and Facebook about a Friday meetup in O'Fallon, MO. Check it out:
Monday, 23-Jan-12 16:25:05 UTC from web -
just joined !stlouisbronies ! FTW
Sunday, 22-Jan-12 17:51:32 UTC from web -
!stlouisbronies I hope the dream is not dead because I just joined! We should make a Facebook group. :)
Monday, 02-Jan-12 05:46:31 UTC from web -
!stlbronies So I guess the dream is dead?
Friday, 16-Dec-11 05:18:58 UTC from web -
!stlbronies Hello Bronies! I'm goomh and I'm from the southside! have we ever had any meetups? Plus when is the next one?
Sunday, 04-Dec-11 08:30:52 UTC from web-
@carcino Sorry, I was just editing and advising my old posts, plus I deleted the other 49 posts
@goomh Hey there, goomh! Welcome to the group! To answer your question, unfortunately, no, we haven't actually had any meetups thus far. As far as having one, I'd love to do so, but we (read: I) can't really seem to find the best time and place for all of us to do so. If you have any suggestions, however, feel free to post them!
@drakengarde That sucks but hey maybe we can actually get something going. We just need to get everyone talking!
!stlouisbronies dont know if anypony knows this yet but they are trying to get midwest brony-con started in missouri so check it out
Tuesday, 25-Oct-11 05:21:15 UTC from web -
!stlouisbronies Who is going to the pumpkin patch and at what time? I'm ganna try to go
Sunday, 23-Oct-11 14:29:14 UTC from web -
!stlouisbronies So, anypony got any plans for this week? How's about that meetup this Sunday at the pumpkin patch?
Tuesday, 18-Oct-11 03:31:59 UTC from web-
@drakengarde going to try to go to the pumpkin patch thing what time is everypony going?