Strife Bronies (strife) group
i wish !strife would have ranked already
Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 06:01:01 UTC from web-
@eeeie *waiting intensifies*
@nickonarwhal Though on the other hand, Smite had ranked mode before it was even out of beta. So I guess there's no way to tell exactly when it will happen.
@eeeie im not too sure on that one. I kinda wish i did get into that game though.
Made a !strife group for anyone who is interested. This game should get more people playing it, but it is still in the beta phase for now so have patience my friends.
Friday, 02-Jan-15 08:10:24 UTC from web-
@nerthos 4u m8
@nickonarwhal Rated E for everypooh
@nerthos warning, do not bring meat buns'