i wish !strife would have ranked already
Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 06:01:01 UTC from web-
@nickonarwhal I remember hearing it was "coming soon" and that was like four months ago.
Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 06:02:28 UTC from web-
@eeeie its in open beta now so you can play it anytime now
Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 06:30:50 UTC from web-
@nickonarwhal Oh, I meant ranked mode.
Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 06:31:06 UTC from web-
@eeeie yeah that im not too sure about. I think its mainly because not enough people play right now
Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 06:33:28 UTC from web-
@nickonarwhal That's probably most of it. Makes sense honestly.
Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 06:33:59 UTC from web-
@eeeie there are already some people who made teams so it could be possible.
Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 06:36:07 UTC from web-
@nickonarwhal That's true. Then again, Dota 2 didn't get ranked mode until after its third international tournament, so it could be a while.
Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 06:37:02 UTC from web-
@eeeie *waiting intensifies*
Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 06:38:38 UTC from web-
@nickonarwhal Though on the other hand, Smite had ranked mode before it was even out of beta. So I guess there's no way to tell exactly when it will happen.
Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 06:40:12 UTC from web-
@eeeie im not too sure on that one. I kinda wish i did get into that game though.
Wednesday, 07-Jan-15 07:04:49 UTC from web