Group actions
the believe in the all mighty toaster.
Toasterism, the brony branch (toasterism) group
Mmmmmmmmm..toast, cant live without it, in fact, i hate bread
Wednesday, 19-Feb-14 06:02:16 UTC from web -
Mmmm toast
Thursday, 21-Nov-13 07:47:16 UTC from web -
All toasters toast toast
Sunday, 16-Jun-13 06:57:47 UTC from web-
@extinctkilla I was fixing an error
!coldramenwhileupsidedown !toasterism
Sunday, 09-Jun-13 06:52:55 UTC from web-
@therainbowdashx DANGIT :/
@therainbowdashx Your first group tag didn't work :c
@tavi I know
I love to toast all of my bread I will never eat bread literally pb and j it needs toast !toasterism, who was the genius to make toaster I would so !hug him unless if he's gay #NoHomo
Thursday, 06-Jun-13 20:04:49 UTC from web-
@therainbowdashx actually I'd still huh him but I'd say #NoHomo after
@celestisdiabolus Screw that. I want happyness.
Thursday, 06-Jun-13 06:52:09 UTC from web-
@nerthos toaster Is on it's way to yellow and red repeat toaster is on it's way !toasteriesm #blackmarketcode
@therainbowdashx I spelled !toasterism wrong
@therainbowdashx That's copspeak. You're a snitch. Get 'im boys.