Notices by b (jfvjivjifvjuifrvuidcnjkdfvuihiscnji), page 5

  1. @starshine who is going to voice her?

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 00:48:06 UTC from web in context
  2. Does anypony know how to contact the producers of the show? I would love it if Derpy had a speaking role in the next season

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 00:45:55 UTC from web in context
  3. @zachariastargazer LOL It's already your birthday over here, happy birthday Zach, how old r u gonna be?

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 00:43:39 UTC from web in context
  4. @zachariastargazer Your accelerometer is playing up

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 00:34:06 UTC from web in context
  5. @miloth LOL I love that strip

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 00:31:42 UTC from web in context
  6. @zachariastargazer nice looking Cat you have, why are your pics always sideways?

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 00:28:03 UTC from web in context
  7. I LOLed and ROFLed at this #

    Thursday, 14-Jul-11 00:24:36 UTC from web in context
  8. @miloth Yo :3

    Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 23:07:46 UTC from web in context
  9. @greydragon412 LEVEL UP and stay up late man ;)

    Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 23:02:12 UTC from web in context
  10. Ponies are EVERYWHERE!!!! i searched for Taco Bell humping dog gif and this came up

    Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 00:21:33 UTC from web
  11. Technicaly # but this made me ROFL when I saw it 13 years ago

    Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 00:15:52 UTC from web
  12. I'm just bored witless and it is annoying me, I have the entire internet at my disposal but I can't think of anything to go on cos I've done nearly all of it before

    Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 00:12:03 UTC from web
  13. How I feel right now

    Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 00:10:04 UTC from web in context
  14. @rainbowvpn Waifu is Japanese for wife romanised

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 23:20:29 UTC from web in context
  15. @zachariastargazer Put your coat on mate, you've pulled LOL

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 23:17:25 UTC from web in context
  16. I have both the guys that did this song on my FB Friend list !nerdcore

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 23:08:01 UTC from web
  17. this song is MADE OF WIN

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 23:05:39 UTC from web
  18. @litchi Brohoof and welcome to the herd. I just noticed you are new

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 23:03:37 UTC from web in context
  19. @theawesomepinkaminadianepie I always loved this song best

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 22:59:09 UTC from web in context
  20. @theawesomepinkaminadianepie All good in the hood Bro. well it is now I have been Paid

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 22:51:40 UTC from web in context
  21. @theawesomepinkaminadianepie Just chillin' Listening to awesome music and chatting to cool Bronies. U?

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 22:49:51 UTC from web in context
  22. this is why I love the internet, I now have this song along with everything else VNV Nation has done. Turn it up to 11 cos the bass kicks hard

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 22:46:20 UTC from web
  23. Shattering the hopes and dreams of children everywhere Muhaha

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 18:27:02 UTC from web
  24. @commandermiloth 5 days without electric, the boredom almost killed me. I had to live on cold beans and sausages

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 18:24:48 UTC from web in context
  25. @commandermiloth Much better now I have electric again :3

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 18:22:46 UTC from web in context
  26. 2.5 hours to go and the VNV Nation discography will be all MINE! Muhaha

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 18:20:47 UTC from web
  27. @commandermiloth Yo

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 18:19:27 UTC from web in context
  28. @greydragon412 LOL

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 18:18:27 UTC from web in context
  29. @haganbmj By Celestia's Beard that new avatar is scary LOL

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 18:18:10 UTC from web in context
  30. @greydragon412 Did you just peep my FB profile?

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 18:16:56 UTC from web in context