Portland Oregon
My name is Kris I've been a brony since Septemberish. And I would like to meet more bronies.
More details...kristifer (lightningtwister)
@sprite dont know?
@mushi How old are you /:|
@sprite true true
@mushi :(
Forever alone
@critialcloudkicker if a bass canon can destroy the lord of darkness it can beat a party canon
@mushi *sips tea with cigar in mouth*hmmmm
@critialcloudkicker Ok hmmmmmmmmm BASS CANON WINS!!!!!!BASS CANON ALWAYS WINS
@mushi chu like tea or "tay"
@critialcloudkicker MY BASS CANON!
Sunday, 18-Aug-13 09:16:58 UTC from web -
@coffeecream Why would you slumber at two in the morning ....i have tl much free time
Where is everypony
Derp :3
Sunday, 18-Aug-13 08:59:46 UTC from web -
@coffeecream I just realized i subscribed to you
Sunday, 18-Aug-13 08:45:47 UTC from web -
Forever alone 0A0
Sunday, 18-Aug-13 08:43:21 UTC from web -
Sunday, 18-Aug-13 08:39:48 UTC from web -
@flamingpandaomg thats scurry
@coffeecream Its 1:34 am sunday the 18th where i live
@coffeecream what time is it where you live!!!
@flamingpandaomg No...is sad .n.
@rarity how dare you!you know my mom is a potato knish!
Ok in stupid please
Sunday, 18-Aug-13 08:29:43 UTC from web -
@thelastgherkin In English please
@lightningtwister He's the LAST gherkin, aka the only one worth mentioning.
Sunday, 18-Aug-13 08:26:35 UTC from web