Notices by Kia (moneybags), page 3

  1. !calgarybronies @ponystep when and which part of fishcreek?

    Sunday, 16-Oct-11 23:50:04 UTC from web
  2. !Calgarybronies @lifegospel it's not ONLY pony, like I'm going as Spike. xD

    Saturday, 15-Oct-11 22:15:42 UTC from web in context
  3. !calgarybronies such an awesome episode! and a managed to find a good quality stream!

    Saturday, 15-Oct-11 13:38:12 UTC from web in context
  4. !calgarybronies @wanderingbrony Next Saturday, on the 22nd. There's gunna be a costume contest to celebrate Halloween and Luna.

    Friday, 14-Oct-11 16:41:40 UTC from web
  5. @ikasamabrony well go again tomorrow!

    Thursday, 13-Oct-11 02:40:47 UTC from web in context
  6. !customponies I'm new to the group and I'm just going to leave this here.

    Thursday, 13-Oct-11 00:48:26 UTC from web
  7. !Calgarybronies I'm going to chinook tomorrow anyone want to join me?

    Wednesday, 12-Oct-11 21:57:13 UTC from web in context
  8. @conjure here's what I have right now. I'm gunna change the tail a bit so it looks smoother and gunna put an other coat of paint on him. I have other pics on my account there of him if you need.

    Tuesday, 11-Oct-11 07:03:32 UTC from web in context
  9. @1mudkip88 lol yup. It's called Canada. xD

    Tuesday, 11-Oct-11 02:26:07 UTC from web
  10. !calgarybronies I am in such a good mood right now. My neighbors knew I was home alone so they brought me a plate of food from their Thanksgiving dinner. xD

    Tuesday, 11-Oct-11 00:53:28 UTC from web in context
  11. !calgarybronies i spy with my little eye someones seapony lyra on ebay. also @conjure here's where i got my shirt

    Sunday, 09-Oct-11 15:11:02 UTC from web in context
  12. !calgarybronies @pheonixswift you NEEEEED to put this on your ipod, in case you haven't already:

    Saturday, 08-Oct-11 10:22:43 UTC from web in context
  13. @ikasamabrony watch out more mao. try not to talk to him. hes REALLY annoying.

    Wednesday, 05-Oct-11 06:06:11 UTC from web
  14. !calgarybronies @puzzlemint Happy Birthday!

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 18:37:25 UTC from web
  15. !Calgarybronies @darcyblue ya probably, I've never seen the 1 from the coke stage but I'm guessing it was the same.

    Monday, 03-Oct-11 20:30:03 UTC from web in context
  16. !calgarybronies Well, the show was god awful as expected, but it could have been worse. Had a fun pony filled day none the less.

    Monday, 03-Oct-11 05:31:00 UTC from web in context
  17. @conjure Alright. could you text me when you're here? Not sure if you have my number. It's (403) 519-6975

    Sunday, 02-Oct-11 09:44:29 UTC from web
  18. @conjure how does she ship them? like which company?

    Wednesday, 28-Sep-11 05:49:09 UTC from web in context
  19. @frameratepony you don't have to buy any. you could balance out me whos gunna buy a bunch of em. well that is if i can find em...

    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 10:06:54 UTC from web in context
  20. @conjure hey, I got a couple of questions for you. Who makes the customs you buy? Where does she live? (as in country/state) And, how much does shipping and handling usually cost you?

    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 07:36:18 UTC from web in context
  21. !calgarybronies This is what i get for letting people draw my OC on the internet....

    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 06:27:17 UTC from web in context
  22. !Calgarybronies hey guys sorry for the last minute notice but does anyone want to come on a pony hunt either tomorrow or Wednesday?

    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 02:58:39 UTC from web in context
  23. !Calgarybronies @conjure I'll take a ride if u got room

    Tuesday, 27-Sep-11 00:24:04 UTC from web
  24. !Calgarybronies crap of course you would choose the only day I can go... I don't want to go but since I have the day off I have to.

    Monday, 26-Sep-11 21:54:50 UTC from web
  25. !calgarybronies Mwahahaha. I like @ikasamabrony's picture more tho.

    Monday, 26-Sep-11 01:59:39 UTC from web
  26. !calgarybronies @ikasamabrony Oh no! good to hear you weren't hurt though. I work in retail, but I have no risk of that. What are they going to say... "Give me ham now!"? (I work in the deli at coop) joking aside. hope you feel better.

    Sunday, 25-Sep-11 23:25:53 UTC from web
  27. !calgarybronies Anyone want to go one a pony hunt on Friday or Saturday before the meet? I need to buy a bunch of ponies and can't find any.

    Thursday, 22-Sep-11 08:26:24 UTC from web in context
  28. !calgarybronies Sorry for the short notice but I might go on a short pony hunt tomorrow. If anyone wants to come text me, my number is on an older post. I'll be going maybe around 5-ish.

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 09:26:19 UTC from web
  29. !calgarybronies @lifegospel what time u planning to be at the station?

    Sunday, 18-Sep-11 14:23:08 UTC from web in context
  30. !calgarybronies what time are we gunna try to be at BP tomorow? 6:30?

    Sunday, 18-Sep-11 07:00:56 UTC from web in context