Notices by Kia (moneybags), page 4

  1. @conjure do you have an extra seat to Boston Pizza? If you do could i catch a ride, please?

    Sunday, 18-Sep-11 06:33:54 UTC from web in context
  2. !Calgarybronies screw work tomorow, I'm calling in sick. They keep scheduling me to work on the day of the meets even though I book it off a month before hand... So screw em!

    Saturday, 17-Sep-11 23:23:52 UTC from web in context
  3. !Calgarybronies I have to say, I love pinkie pie and fluttershy the most in this episode. Also I suddenly got really excited for new songs! I hope there is 1 in the next episode!

    Saturday, 17-Sep-11 18:57:13 UTC from web in context
  4. !calgarybronies I dont want to wait ANOTHER week for another episode.

    Saturday, 17-Sep-11 14:05:52 UTC from web
  5. !Calgarybronies @lifegospel if your still wanting to come text me. My number is (403) 519-6975. For that matter if anyone wants come just text me your name

    Friday, 16-Sep-11 18:03:07 UTC from web
  6. !Calgarybronies vanillabelle how long do u think it would take you to get down here? My plans have been pushed back so I have more time to waste.

    Friday, 16-Sep-11 15:30:10 UTC from web
  7. !calgarybronies Anyone down for a last minute notice pony hunt? I'm going to to Somerset after work tomorrow. I should be there by 4.

    Friday, 16-Sep-11 04:16:48 UTC from web in context
  8. !calgarybronies does anyone know where one could find a live stream or something for season 2? Also I have a feeling I'm going to be sick on Saturday so I might not be able to work. *wink* *wink*

    Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 05:26:48 UTC from web in context
  9. !calgarybronies from the looks of it right now i will be able to come to the Halloween thing. Hopefully I'll be quitting my job in a few weeks!

    Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 01:15:04 UTC from web
  10. !calgarybronies If we do anything this weekend im free on Friday if you want to do anything pre season 2. i get off at 7 on the other 2 days.

    Wednesday, 14-Sep-11 00:02:59 UTC from web
  11. !calgarybronies I got bored so i made a comic. If anyone wants to see heres a link:

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 07:19:50 UTC from web in context
  12. !calgarybronies @phoenixswift i almost had a friend come this meet up, but he already had plans.

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 04:31:40 UTC from web
  13. !Calgarybronies god damn I think my friends are conspiring against me. They keep wanting to do things on the day of the meet ups. I keep having to say "screw you! I need ponies!"

    Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 00:53:05 UTC from web in context
  14. !calgarybronies damn. I was only able to make 10 burgers. I am disappoint. Sorry to who ever doesn't get 1.

    Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:16:29 UTC from web
  15. @thetundraterror Hey I really hate asking this, but do you think I could catch a ride? I know its a huge inconvenience for you, but it would take me 2 hours to bus it to Bowness. If you give me a ride I could let you crash on my couch so you don't have to stay at a hotel, unless you already have plans for that.

    Friday, 09-Sep-11 06:18:43 UTC from web in context
  16. !calgarybronies If somepony wouldn't mind give me a ride that would be awesome. even if its from downtown, i hate taking buses from downtown, i always get confused.

    Thursday, 08-Sep-11 06:36:37 UTC from web
  17. !calgarybronies Making burgers tomorow for the BBQ. I'll only be able to make 12 though, hopefully that should be enough. I should make sure I know how to get there too.

    Thursday, 08-Sep-11 01:49:46 UTC from web
  18. @conjure hey do u have an extra seat for a ride to the BBQ? If you do, can I catch a ride?

    Wednesday, 07-Sep-11 07:26:28 UTC from web in context
  19. @flaxx the one from

    Wednesday, 07-Sep-11 04:28:32 UTC from web
  20. @vanillabelle Do you know how many people are coming to the BBQ or atleast have a bit of an idea how many?

    Tuesday, 06-Sep-11 19:51:02 UTC from web
  21. !calgarybronies YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! I got my derpy shirt today!

    Tuesday, 06-Sep-11 17:43:41 UTC from web in context
  22. !calgarybronies @phoenixswift Wow u haven't been on for like, 4 days. I started to get worried, you don't usually stay quiet.

    Tuesday, 06-Sep-11 06:14:21 UTC from web
  23. !calgarybronies just got back from camping. One of the people there was a brony. He isn't as into MLP as I am... He didn't even know who Octavia was. We had fun making our friends feel uncomfortable with ponies though, so that was fun.

    Sunday, 04-Sep-11 23:02:13 UTC from web
  24. Camping this weekend, hanging with bronies next weekend. Life is good! btw how many of you who are coming to the BBQ are gunna want burgers? I want an idea of how many i need to make. just send me a little message on here useing @moneybags, no need to spam !calgarybronies with it. Last thing... starting watching Doctor Who, Amazing!

    Friday, 02-Sep-11 07:46:32 UTC from web in context
  25. !calgarybronies I'll make her watch it when I get a chance to actually see her. I was working when she was watching it.

    Thursday, 01-Sep-11 07:33:51 UTC from web
  26. !calgarybronies made my mom watch dragonshy... she turned it off half way through and called Fluttershy a chicken grapes. a single tear rolled down my cheek.

    Thursday, 01-Sep-11 04:42:26 UTC from web in context
  27. !calgarybronies at 4pm Dragonshy is on tree house if anyone wants to watch it. I'm gunna make my mom watch it. WAHAHAHA.

    Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:58:00 UTC from web in context
  28. !calgarybronies I probably won't be there for the Halloween costume thing. and for the talent show... I have my cutie mark already but it's boring and is no good for a talent show.

    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:15:40 UTC from web
  29. !calgarybronies @darcyblue That wasnt the fourth one already was it? i thought it was the third.

    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 06:44:08 UTC from web
  30. !calgarybronies Ya, dumb work keeping me from ponies. And for this thing at the unicorn, do we have a date or anything for it?

    Sunday, 28-Aug-11 02:46:17 UTC from web