Notices by Kia (moneybags), page 5

  1. !calgarybronies I work this Saturday so i wont be able to make it. @Autumnfrost Like i said a while back. i am always down for a drink. and since it would be at night (I'm guessing anyhow) I'll be free even if I work.

    Friday, 26-Aug-11 05:54:41 UTC from web
  2. Attention !Calgarybronies: September 17th. That is all.

    Wednesday, 24-Aug-11 00:39:05 UTC from web
  3. !Calgarybronies Awesome I think I might make burgers for it then.

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 21:48:44 UTC from web
  4. !calgarybronies will there be an actual BBQ there so we can cook stuff or is it going to be more of a picnic sort of thing?

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 20:56:57 UTC from web in context
  5. !calgarybronies This BBQ thing is still happening right? I have the 9th off so I'll be able to come if it is.

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 07:39:59 UTC from web in context
  6. !calgarybronies I have NEVER been this excited for a new season of ANY show. What has this show done to me?

    Monday, 22-Aug-11 05:53:00 UTC from web in context
  7. !Calgarybronies @asylum113 or was that 4-12 30 when you work? If it was I'm a dumb cherries.

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 20:51:07 UTC from web
  8. !Calgarybronies @asylum1113 I'm free at around 5 ish I need to go to walmart or something anyhow. Email me your number at KMaddocks93 at hotmail dot com. I'll text u when I get home and we can meet up l8r. If you want anyhow.

    Sunday, 21-Aug-11 20:48:36 UTC from web
  9. !calgarybronies @conjure what if my plan was to make you broke, have you ever thought about that?

    Saturday, 20-Aug-11 22:27:58 UTC from web in context
  10. !Calgarybronies got my credit card today. Gunna buy some shirts when I get home, and probably some other stuff.

    Saturday, 20-Aug-11 20:44:07 UTC from web
  11. !calgarybronies @phoenixswift It's near $50 that's already out of my price range...

    Saturday, 20-Aug-11 05:47:48 UTC from web in context
  12. !calgarybronies SOOOO much want. i wish i had money.

    Saturday, 20-Aug-11 05:30:02 UTC from web in context
  13. !calgarybronies @lonehowler the other one you don't know is Bon-Bon, Lyra's Wife.

    Saturday, 20-Aug-11 04:53:06 UTC from web in context
  14. !Calgarybronies And it can't be the first one... i have very picky friends, If they don't like what the see first they won't watch it, and they won't like the first one. Right now im saying Party of One, but thats just my favorite episode.

    Friday, 19-Aug-11 10:43:21 UTC from web in context
  15. !calgarybronies Okey so what episode is the best to convert someone into a brony?

    Friday, 19-Aug-11 10:18:07 UTC from web in context
  16. !Calgarybronies well I met a brony at work today. I was talking to him infront of a friend, my friend was wondering what we were talkin about.I think he might start watching it. So ya... I am no longer a closet brony.

    Friday, 19-Aug-11 01:52:38 UTC from web in context
  17. !calgarybronies @yoelerty lol why would it be awkward for him? either way im stayin in my brony closet until someone else brings it up.

    Thursday, 18-Aug-11 07:41:43 UTC from web
  18. !calgarybronies the person who knew i was a brony didn't say a thing tonight. Im happy he didnt, but sad at the same time...

    Thursday, 18-Aug-11 07:17:34 UTC from web in context
  19. !calgarybronies Well I'm heading to my friends house now... about to come out of the brony closet, I'm nervous as mangoes for some reason...

    Thursday, 18-Aug-11 03:10:11 UTC from web in context
  20. !calgarybronies @conjure @pheonixswift @yoelerty you guys know the cashier at the second zellers we went to yesterday? the 1 in deer run. Well, i might be going to his house tonight. It's going to be very interesting if i do...

    Thursday, 18-Aug-11 01:10:00 UTC from web in context
  21. !calgarybronies OK, for a brushable this is pretty freakin awesome.

    Wednesday, 17-Aug-11 19:36:41 UTC from web in context
  22. !calgarybronies Incase anypony didnt know at 4 pm this afternoon Party for One is on channel 17. Yes, This afternoon, this afternoon. unfortunately i dont think ill beable to watch it.

    Wednesday, 17-Aug-11 19:33:09 UTC from web
  23. !calgarybronies set my ponies on top of my monitor. I am a happy Brony.

    Wednesday, 17-Aug-11 08:36:01 UTC from web
  24. !calgarybronies @yoderlery ya i was just gunna w8 near the station, ill have my tophat still so ill be easy to notice.

    Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 21:37:43 UTC from web in context
  25. !Calgarybronies @yodelerty I'll email you again when I get home. Using my iPod right now so I think I just mistyped your email or something

    Tuesday, 16-Aug-11 01:37:13 UTC from web
  26. !Calgarybronies @phoenixswift @yodelerty I emailed you guys my phone number.

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 23:58:07 UTC from web in context
  27. !calgarybronies @phoenixswift lol ya Somerset, derp derp. and ya i sorta know where i wanna go.

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 19:05:08 UTC from web in context
  28. !calgarybronies I would rather go on tuesday, i want ponies now! @phoenixshift when do you think youll beable to make it to summerset? or do you know a better place where we could start?

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 18:50:09 UTC from web in context
  29. !calgarybronies @conjure im sure thats your bid, but incase its not and you havent seen it.

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 17:19:26 UTC from web
  30. !calgarybronies @phoenixswift i can go whenever i have those days off. what day is better for you? tuesday or wednesday?

    Monday, 15-Aug-11 17:11:39 UTC from web in context